10/10 this is incredible. Like playing a modern sonic game in a classic sonic environment (this also goes great with the Jeck Jims models)
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10/10 Very Nice I love this so much good job
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I liked the mod, hopefully in the next update they will add the cyloop.
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Impressively Accurate, Sonic Rush Voices/boost sound effects would match the Rush HUD nicely.
Upvote 3
I'm giving this a 5 simply for the subject name, that's great lol. Too funny. xD
Upvote 1
Will make an in-depth video about this mod This is such a amazing blend between srb2 and the boost formula
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I love this mod! Though I'm lost on how to customize the voice and hud. Any way I can do that? Is there a button or something I'm missing?
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nice infact i used this for the not so broken 06 port....one thing tho may u add sidestep so it feels like i am playing project 06 again
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One of my best mods
Can't wait for the update
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I can't get past that spin-activated door in that one water level act 2. overall great tho
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The best modern sonic experience i could have ever asked for. This has to be my Number one favorite mod in SRB2. In simple words, This mod is a Adrenaline rush. and platforming with modern sonic has never felt better.
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This one one of the best mods i ever played(stopped working in my game for some reason)the voices,the effects,EVERYTHING,i'm very excited for v6!
Upvote 2
This is the best character mod in SRB2 ever. I absolutely enjoy playing as Modern Sonic. He handles pretty well, has good traction, can be customized via the console, and provides a good experience for beginners and veterans of SRB2. I can't wait for v6! I saw the trailer for it and so much hype! Are you actually gonna add in the Cyberspace Boost from Sonic Frontiers? Same with the Sweet Spot Homing Attacks from Sonic Colors Ultimate? A suggestion I have is the Wall Running mechanic from Sonic Lost World, can you add that in too? Thanks in advance!
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super duper cool, but there is a bug that shows that i have infinite lives when i dont have infinite lives, and that aplies to every hud except hud 0
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Ahh yes, the modern experience.
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This is just awsome,i like this mod so much! this is one of my first mods and i love it! the only problem is that in deep sea zone 2 theres a part where you haver to go on a ramp, but this mod cant reach the tip of that ramp, so i advise adding a spindash
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my first srb2 addon simply a masterpiece won't lie I played this more than vanilla sonic. Amazing! Keep up the versions!
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simply fantastic, he fits in right with vanilla srb2, his controls are faithful, yet still fun and play just like an official game in the levels (no not forces where you just hold X, though there is a hud for that), his abilities give level makers options but are still all experienceable in the vanilla game, there is even an infinity symbol next to the lives if you're using infinite lives! the commands like voices, hudstyle, and rushglow all accept numbers but also the names of the actors or the game, or the color! its all here in this one simple blast of a package! I could gush all day like any other reviewer, though I'm here to give a few minor nit picks, and I mean really nit picky, first it would be cool to have the ability to disable rush for a server, it would be cool to have the ability to set your rush based on your character color, in the sonic colors hud, the chaos emeralds appear in the little bubble where the wisps would be but it would be cool to see that for shields when not super, last thing i can think of is some sort of glheads command for toggling a little bobble on the head of sonic like in sonic colors game land would be cool (really nit picky i know)
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There is a reason this SRB2 character is so popular! His sprites look great and his abilities completely change up the game in a really fun way! He is easy to control (especially for a boost character) and boosting always gives me a rush! This character is extremely well made and yet another character on my list of favorites!
Upvote 1