my first srb2 addon simply a masterpiece won't lie I played this more than vanilla sonic. Amazing! Keep up the versions!
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simply fantastic, he fits in right with vanilla srb2, his controls are faithful, yet still fun and play just like an official game in the levels (no not forces where you just hold X, though there is a hud for that), his abilities give level makers options but are still all experienceable in the vanilla game, there is even an infinity symbol next to the lives if you're using infinite lives! the commands like voices, hudstyle, and rushglow all accept numbers but also the names of the actors or the game, or the color! its all here in this one simple blast of a package! I could gush all day like any other reviewer, though I'm here to give a few minor nit picks, and I mean really nit picky, first it would be cool to have the ability to disable rush for a server, it would be cool to have the ability to set your rush based on your character color, in the sonic colors hud, the chaos emeralds appear in the little bubble where the wisps would be but it would be cool to see that for shields when not super, last thing i can think of is some sort of glheads command for toggling a little bobble on the head of sonic like in sonic colors game land would be cool (really nit picky i know)
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There is a reason this SRB2 character is so popular! His sprites look great and his abilities completely change up the game in a really fun way! He is easy to control (especially for a boost character) and boosting always gives me a rush! This character is extremely well made and yet another character on my list of favorites!
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THIS MOD. where do I begin. this is probly my favorite mod in srb2 TO DATE when I saw a YouTube video I was mazed with what a saw. so just yes.
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How do I download this mod? It wont let me
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It's an AMAZING mod and its extremely fun however it gets tiring of hearing endless possibilities over and over I kind of wish that you could choose the super theme similar to the Hud Style (Such as if you choose colours then you would get the super theme from that game) but otherwise the super form being accurate with the boost wasting rings is amazing as well as it playing a different theme then the theme for Super Sonic in the original. (I dislike the super theme from the game tbh it just doesn't feel worth) Thank you for making this mod.
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this mod feels so damn good to play on top of the insane level of polish and customizability, i fuckin love this character and cant go back to vanilla srb2
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Honestly, Modern Sonic in itself is stellar when it comes to customisation, abilities and overall creativity of the character itself, but I myself thought that it could have had more to it like a Spindash, used by crouching and jumping, UI based on the Adventure titles, Advance games or even DS Colours and even the option to disable certain abilities like Rush Mode or Light Speed Dash via commands. At the end of the day, it's still a beautiful character to play as.
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I love this modern sonic mod and I love the SADX pose and Heroes pose when he homing attacks an enemy my favorite childhood games but on thing is I would be so happy I would run around in circles if you made modern tails and modern knuckles then it would be the modern sonic team so please if you can make this I would give them both a five star rating and give a good comment so if you can make modern tails and modern knuckles I would really appreciate it good work on Modern Sonic MotdSpork cya have a good day
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This is probably the most fun I’ve had with SRB2 right next to Shadow and Silver. Modern feels AMAZING. Having only played small bits of colors, Generations, and rush, I can say that this feels like the best of all 3 mixed into 1. The inclusion of all the bonuses and stuff to go along with this already STELLAR character is enough to warrent MORE than 5 stars! From the tricks to the wonderful boost this really feels like a modern game. Though one gripe I have is that the forces hud is quite boring. Though I have made an improvement to it and hopefully next update Motd will include it. I spent a good amount of time on making it more interesting. Other than that this is a must have mod in your collection! 10/5 Amazing job as always!
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Excellent Work, MotdSpork!
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I loved the mod when it comes out update
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This is mod in one word : AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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It plays perfectly, now I just wish there were levels made for him.
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i don't really care what your excuse might be for ranking this lower, controls or what, but this is one of the best character mods on the mb purely bc of how authentic to the source material it is. modern sonic feels like he's come straight out of generations, with colors, unleashed, rush and other influences creeping their way in.
absolutely everything about this mod is just nailed to a T. the boost feels good, not too overpowered for it to be unusable, but fast enough that it's difficult, but can be mastered, and it's absolutely satisfying to maneuver a drift through a tight space without losing speed. the stomp and slide, while things that i wouldn't think to use often, are great means of changing paths, and allow for every kind of path to be navigated as modern, changing the way you play the stage every single time.
the double jump and homing attack are great additions too. i vastly prefer the double jump to the air dash-homing attack combo, and the momentum conserving homing attack makes not only going fast, but also stringing combos together much easier to pull off.
props to the trick system as well, i must say. i wouldn't call it as satisfying as rush's was back on the ds, but the way it was adapted was probably the best it could've been with srb2's gameplay. absolutely loved the references in the trick poses too.

this mod is flashiness over function, except if you took the function and suddenly buffed it so much that it became so more prominent than the flashiness. this will always be my favourite 2.2 character mod, and i haven't even talked about everything it has to offer. just play it, please.
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One of the best versions of Modern in any game (fan-made or not), to be honest.

Unlike many official incarnations of Modern, here he can platform quite nicely (and can even go fast at the same time.)

Boosting does not have the usual tank controls attached, which makes it significantly more fun to use.

Stomping has double utility, allowing you to come to a stop if necessary but also useful if you want to get to the ground quickly without losing too much momentum by sliding.

Double jump does absolute wonders for Modern, allowing him to platform much easier and gives him a noticeable height boost. His homing attack is also quite snappy and works as you expect.

Wall jumping allows Modern to almost go anywhere as long as there's a wall, which brings it from a gimmick mechanic relegated to a few instances all the way up to a fun core mechanic.

Lots of the small touches also make him stand out a bit more. This includes the hud styles and voice actor choices along with smaller details like footsteps and echoed sfx underwater.

All emeralds collected and multiple map packs completed. Go play him. :)
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If you're looking for a mod that makes the game feel like a modern Sonic game, this sure is modern Sonic in SRB2!
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A fantastic mod of SRB2. Things go even more modern when Modern Eggman shows up!
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An excellent mod. Really captures Modern's gameplay over the years perfectly in SRB2!
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