I just love how you get to run around as sonic with all sorts of abilities! This is now one of my favorites!
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This addon it's pretty good, I like to play with this Sonic more than with the vanilla Sonic, I use the buddy-ex just to play with this Sonic and if I put the 3D model of Saturn Dreams on it, it is beautiful.
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I did NOT expect a victory animation. Great job!
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This is the best! But I would consider adding a Peelout animation..
I'd consider it if I had the sprites for it. In the plans, though.
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This is really fun one of the best sonics in my opinion it just that dash mode feels a little slow
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Nice Mod, I like how you combined a lot of Sonic's abilities from past games and put in this mod, Nice Work!
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I'm completely fine with mods that have more than a few abilities, as long as I'm able to have fun and move around fine!
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Very nice. I found myself having a great time stringing together Sonic's abilities here, and it feels pretty solid minus a few bugs which should be fairly easy to iron out.

Vanilla game completed, 7 emeralds collected. He's fun. :)
If you could explain the bugs in the Discussion thread, that'd be great. I'll be trying to get them ironed out before v2 releases for 2.2.9.
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It ads depth and complexity to the game, I like that.
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This feels too good to use, really lives up the name of "Max Control Sonic"
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This version of Sonic has to be my favorite one, although there's a couple issues, nothing too major from me. For starters, I think some things can be changed, such as the Bounce being usable infinitely instead of only three times, as well as the Dash Mode sound effect being different from Metal Sonic's, and the Wall Dash being a little bit faster. My biggest problem is with Hyper Sonic, as I feel like he should have freefly, that ISN'T limited to the Momentum Thrust, but instead activated by pressing Fire or Fire Normal, and otherwise working like ERZ's freely from Sonic Mania. But other than that, I'd seriously recommend using MCSonic and MCAmy (no flaws with her aside from me thinking she shouldn't be a nospin anymore) and I can't wait for what characters you include next! Hopefully MCTails arrives soon, cause I can't wait to play as him!
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I tried this character and was also able to finish the whole main campaign with all the emeralds, and I have to say, even though there were a lot of things that didn't made the cut, it's still what I wanted to see becoming reality. Gameplay is extremely fast paced albeit difficult to master, but that's the point: if you can control it well, you can do a lot of epic things.
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Awesome mod the character is really cool to play but i'm wondering you will do a max control full power tails or knukcles? i really will like to have teh other characters like this but i but i would understand if you don't want to do this character looks like it's taking a lot of your time
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MCAmy looks great!
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When i had the ver 2.2.9 of SRB2 the mod was good, but now in the ver 2.2.10 when i turn on the mod the game crashed and closes, but open an error tab that says: Unknown skin: MCSONIC, please fix the mod, that was my favorite mod.
Other people have confirmed it works fine in v2.2.10. Redownload.
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the bottom review doesnt happen to me
yes great mod
I assume the review below yours?
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im gonna be honest here, i don't really like this, sonic was made to be faster than the others yet not able to go up high, this mod just, makes it an objectplace and sonic mix, it makes no sense how you can just climb on the sky and just basically turns the level into a sonic forces-level difficulty, a wall jump that slowly looses vertical momentum may be better, and the spampeelout isn't that great honestly.
MC amy plays good, never were a fan of complex movesets, in fact the long jump is unecessary but i love the hammer jump, but WHY the dashmode!? Are you gonna make even fang have a dashmode or what?
Im not pooping on your, presumebly, hard work, i still see the effort , in the reusable copypasta stuff obviously, and im just showing my opinion in here, that's what reviews are for
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Welcome to releases!
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the mod is awesome but a few things. after the wall climb you shouldn't be able to recurl and do it again I feel like its too OP. next I'm not sure if I'm missing something or shield abilities don't work. finally if you can recurl from a spring you should be able to uncurl form rolling. I know addons can fix this but it would be nice to have is in the mod itself. other than that I love the mod! 9/10
1. It felt *too* underpowered without that ability.
2. You have to be holding Jump when using shield abilities with MCSonic.
3. Ehhh. Fair, but not sure of it.
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