Stage Gates

Stage Gates 1.2

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This Mod is supposed to be used with UDMF!!!!​

Binary still works, but you are missing out on features.

Stage Gates for SRB2 are Here!

To use. Place the stage gate in your map. Then go to args and set the map to go to.

For Binary just use the angle of the object for the map num.

To Change the Color, Go to Type under the args tab then change it to 2. Then set Color (Also under the args tab.) to a Skincolor Number. You can set type to 0 or 1 it you want Day or Night respectively.

Color Changing in Action

There is also a custom hud used for hubs.

You can activate it with this.:
Lua.hubworld = true

If you have a character that you don't want the hud for or you want to make your own...

You can use this in a lua file.:
if not customhubhud
    rawset(_G, "customhubhud", {})

customhubhud["yourcharname"] = true

Also MAP01 is the test map.

Finally, I can Hub World inside SRB2.

TehRealSalt for Custom Hud Lib

Have Fun
Extension type
File size
4.2 MB
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First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Update

    Stage Gates now require a new press of jump or spin.
  2. Small Update

    Removed some unused assets.