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wow! not that much, huh? last time my pc lagged a lot when loading zone builder, I'm literally scared to download it again.
Just wondering, but will this get mac support? I am aware of being able to use wineskin, but I have zero experience that even a video won't help.
Overall, this looks great. If I can get it to work I will definitely love this!
By any chance is it possible for users to have the NiGHTs path appear for custom mapthing types by editing the config or something?
Or is this a hardcoded feature?
im so gonna make a green hill level out of this, thank you for bringing such project...
sphere updated Zone Builder with a new update entry:

Zone Builder v2.13

Zone Builder v2.13 has just been released, with texture skewing on sloped FOFs, several new actions and a couple of enhancements & tweaks.

Full changelog:
  • Added feature: Visual Mode now displays texture skewing on sloped FOF sides. (With thanks to Monster Iestyn!)
  • Added feature: Visual Mode now shows skywalls/missing textures more accurately to SRB2, and takes horizon lines into account.
  • Added feature: Some new Visual Mode actions...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Excellent! Thanks for updating.

As to zoom tubes, I see the sequence number is now rendered on the 1st waypoint of a sequence.

I'd like to leave a suggestion to make it easier to identify/match the correct sequence number in the waypoints in general: add a string like "(Sequence: {number})" to "Order" in angle field. Something like this:


Or replace "[ ] Random value" with "Sequence: {number}" (why would I need a random angle for a ZT waypoint?).
Hey, I was wondering if it would be allowed to make a pt-br translated version of the current SRB2-22.cfg? I just wanna make sure I dont deal with any troubles! I know it could possibly be kinda of a problem for them to find information about linedef types, sector types, etc, when they are translated to portuguese, while information about them on the wiki are english, but I believe that it would at least help on the first steps of a new brazillian mapper, so, thats all I ask (this is only an idea im still just considering), thanks.
By any chance is it possible for users to have the NiGHTs path appear for custom mapthing types by editing the config or something?
Or is this a hardcoded feature?
I can look into exposing that for custom mapthings, which should be very easy if you want them to behave the same as NiGHTS path mapthings.

Excellent! Thanks for updating.

As to zoom tubes, I see the sequence number is now rendered on the 1st waypoint of a sequence.

I'd like to leave a suggestion to make it easier to identify/match the correct sequence number in the waypoints in general: add a string like "(Sequence: {number})" to "Order" in angle field.

Or replace "[ ] Random value" with "Sequence: {number}" (why would I need a random angle for a ZT waypoint?).
Zone Builder Unofficial had something similar to this for star posts, which could be ported over easily. I'll look into making it support zoom tube waypoints.

Hey, I was wondering if it would be allowed to make a pt-br translated version of the current SRB2-22.cfg?
Of course, feel free to edit the configuration files in any way! I would suggest making the translated version into a separate configuration file with a different game name, like game = "Sonic Robo Blast 2 - 2.2 (PT-BR)";.
Of course, feel free to edit the configuration files in any way! I would suggest making the translated version into a separate configuration file with a different game name, like game = "Sonic Robo Blast 2 - 2.2 (PT-BR)";.
Woah, how I didn’t think of it myself. It would be cool to be able to translate the interface ZB itself.

Скриншот 27-10-2021 133011.png

Скриншот 27-10-2021 133042.png
i installed it using W.I.N.E. on ubuntu LTS 20.04 and it crashes on startup

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