I've been playing with Spyro for a bit before the update, and he is quite fun to use. However, when I try adding him to KHBlast - my own mod - it becomes a bit of an issue. So, I thought to myself, what if I was able to try and get as much of his controls onto just Custom 3 and Jump, using the latter for the hovering by having it need to glide for a short while before checking for a hover, and the former for the bits which are done using the other stuff, but context sensitive - IE only flaming when on the ground, and ground bashing while in the air. Which mostly works, but then I realised something - Spyro flat out does damage in his own way, and it would need modifying to work in KHBlast...
So because of this, I'm going to make a new function set for KHBlast which allows custom characters who do damage like Spyro here does to be able to sort out said damage.