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undertale_text_box (1).png

Memes aside,
I also wanna say that on our end we aren't too worried about the leak. It's an old version and there's a lot of neat things and fixes added since then, and all the new sprites aren't even in yet.
Knowing that it's almost finished, that's certainly good news. :blink:
checked the modernsonicv6 new yt channel n they said it was latest build :dramahog: (not sure if they were serious or sarcastic abt it) but hopefully they'll still release the mod whenever it comes out obv
checked the modernsonicv6 new yt channel n they said it was latest build :dramahog: (not sure if they were serious or sarcastic abt it) but hopefully they'll still release the mod whenever it comes out obv
I was serious about it dude.
development plan updates!!!!
View attachment 143199
v6 is delayed, no walking around it this time.

due to circumstances readable in the image, v6 is now aiming for a holiday release!!!

see you likely around movie 3's release >///<

and sorryyffgkfd.... im sorryyy im sorryyyy i wish it was out toooo!!!
well with it likely releasing around the same time as movie 3, im just praying that live and learn is gonna be in the background for the release trailer (if there is gonna be one)
Sorry, to my knowledge it was a old build. I'll research better next time.


Just did my research, when the fuck did MetalWario64 say it was an older build??
He says it here:
I also wanna say that on our end we aren't too worried about the leak. It's an old version and there's a lot of neat things and fixes added since then, and all the new sprites aren't even in yet.
That's Kaz saying I can't post gifs on my channel, which is a joke. So it's not true.

What do you mean?
I was referring to the leaked version being an older version, I don't know why it doesn't appear in the quoted thing.
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Wait, the leaked version is the latest one?
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Bro whats happening?? Also Good work TM V6, V6 seems to be doing great! I hope yall are having a good october devs! And remember Work Hard, Sleep Hard, and Eat Plenty!!!
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Don't push yourselves and good luck!
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