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So it's not unwiished boost? okay fine by me as it is still the GOAT and combo meter!? A 10/10 mod.
Spork is back let's go! I can't express my excitement and happiness for this mod man.
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Wait we got the reveal for that secret. I was correct, it was the advance thing.
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Wait, did you guys change the boost animation?
Hi I'm not dead, I Promise :) Humming Top sprites and touched up boost frames courtesy of MetalWario64!
I was about say that's came from Sonic Advance 2 aka NOT A BOOST GAME, Fake Modern Sonic fan but then realized I forgot that the Sonic Rush games exists lol (also did you know, it's also called the "Long Wind Jump") also Unleashed Wii HUD, my beloved
Wait, did you guys change the boost animation?
Yeah, thanks to @Metalwario64 for adjusting posing and quill movement to get it just a little more 1:1 to Unleashed.

anyways... :3

Here's the last situational update I'll probably be doing (unless something halts progress LMAO :3)

Pretty much everything that i wasn't telling is revealed, other than polish, extra unfinished sprites, and compat. fixes. The only major hurdle left is 2.2.11+ compatibility, v6 still doesn't support interpolation atm, and that's a major refactor for A LOT of the mod (we use SO many effects >w<).

Things are back on steamroll and so many personal issues have been resolved (to a degree), expect to see this coming out within the coming months!

also this doesn't mean I won't post hilarious bugs or random v6 runs >w<
Yeah, thanks to @Metalwario64 for adjusting posing and quill movement to get it just a little more 1:1 to Unleashed.

anyways... :3

Here's the last situational update I'll probably be doing (unless something halts progress LMAO :3)

Pretty much everything that i wasn't telling is revealed, other than polish, extra unfinished sprites, and compat. fixes. The only major hurdle left is 2.2.11+ compatibility, v6 still doesn't support interpolation atm, and that's a major refactor for A LOT of the mod (we use SO many effects >w<).

Things are back on steamroll and so many personal issues have been resolved (to a degree), expect to see this coming out within the coming months!

also this doesn't mean I won't post hilarious bugs or random v6 runs >w<
Thanks for the news Kel! This will be the biggest and greatest mod of 2024! (Imo)
I hope nothing halts progress..
I thought it was kinda funny like, him talking nonsense and me talking nonsense.
Ok, but it isn't really related to the thread, so I recommend we stay on-topic without saying something like "omg, cookie! To stay on-topic".

It'll get annoying after awhile.

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