i guess you kinda are!? here's v6's "customization" :3

haiiii!!! >-<


more extra stuff that i'll reveal (and probably the last thing that isn't just gameplay!)
it's just basic color customization, but with the ability to save presets!

presets are done through commands with 'savepreset {presetname}' and 'loadpreset {presetname]'

k, enough sharing for the day, bye bye!!!!
that menu reminds me a lot of the sms menu
i guess you kinda are!? here's v6's "customization" :3

haiiii!!! >-<


more extra stuff that i'll reveal (and probably the last thing that isn't just gameplay!)
it's just basic color customization, but with the ability to save presets!

presets are done through commands with 'savepreset {presetname}' and 'loadpreset {presetname]'

k, enough sharing for the day, bye bye!!!!
Did anyone see him t-pose for a few seconds in the gif?
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This isn't my work haha, just Spork lets me share bits and pieces about his stuff and he's chill with it. I haven't asked what bind opens it, but it does require you to crouch to open it.

Since you guys are being really civil and cool with the influx of new info, here's something special being worked on!
View attachment 116212

it's up to interpretation what this is, but here's one hint...
it relates to tricking!

i'll let you people figure out what this is! goodnight >w<
Wait, ain't that just the sliding sprite?
Peep the similarities.
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Is there a way to disable the motion lines/wind effect when boosting? It's been broken for a while now and it distracts me whenever I try to go fast...
i guess you kinda are!? here's v6's "customization" :3

haiiii!!! >-<


more extra stuff that i'll reveal (and probably the last thing that isn't just gameplay!)
it's just basic color customization, but with the ability to save presets!

presets are done through commands with 'savepreset {presetname}' and 'loadpreset {presetname]'

k, enough sharing for the day, bye bye!!!!
DANG! thats a improvement compared to the old customisation
My favourite boost formula!
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It looks soo good!
Hi I'm not dead, I Promise :) Humming Top sprites and touched up boost frames courtesy of MetalWario64!
Here's the official reveal! ^_^
so cool so great :3, thanks @Metalwario64 for the extra polish and work, we really appreciate it!

and uh.... he beat my run and got 10.992 (or by 0.008, a singular frame)

i may lose >w<

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