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sorry for the silence and lack of updates... our spriter has been pretty busy with their own business, but rest assured, the project is still in progress!

thanks for waiting around, everybody :sadthumbsup:
Really happy to hear it. I cant wait for the release whenever it may be. Take all the time you guys need with it.
Did you find a new artist?
Man with the model enabled to get around the sprite issue at the moment this mod is pretty good honestly! Though I wanna quickly talk about a couple of things.

Firstly I found some weird behaviors when some other mods are enabled. When Spring Recurl is enabled Mecha Sonic isnt able to curl back into a ball state after jumping on a spring and it appears that every frame when you have the spin key held down while trying to do this it will attempt to curl, fail, and attempt it again Every single frame as you can still bounce off of monitors & badniks, but it seems to visually freak out. Though when in the super form this issue seems to not happen, leading me to believe that it might have something to do with the Hover Dash. Also when using XMomentum due to this mod having a custom Super Form Music track it conflicts with the XMomentum's Hyper Form music and thus slows the game to an absolute crawl and forces you to turn off music (even Midi doesnt work well).

Second I've played with this character for a hot minute and I do have some minor gripes with the character that I hope could be updated or changed when the next update is done. His movement while in a spin-state honestly isnt that great thanks to the Ice Physics, like I know its supposed to make a reason to not always be spinning, but its kinda wack that the Ice Physics are that strong it would be nice if it was toned down just a bit. I really like his Pseudo-Bunny Hop mechanic but I would honestly prefer if his Falling Speed was increased a bit, not his gravity though as the jump height boost is neat but some of the bigger jumps you can do with him have him spend a bit of time in the air. Lastly the size of the shield is absolutely humongous due to his size in Sprite Form however due to this when using the Model for Mecha Sonic due to the fact that its much smaller the Shield eats up a good chunk of screen space, so if you're able to find a good middleground for the model and the sprite that would be nice (that is of course assuming if the Sprite size would stay relatively the same in the Sprite Update, however if it is smaller than obviously it would be nice to just decrease the size of the Shield).

Hope this info is useful for the planned update!
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So I have 2 versions of this, own directly from this download, and one called "mecha revamp2.2" the one called mecha revamp has the things described, such as a bounce and dropdash, while the download version does not. is this a glitch with the download version? or are these abilities just removed but not listed as such in the notes. One more note, the hover time for the download is much longer than revamp, and seems to be longer than 2.5 seconds (unless it actually isn't and i'm just bad at time) and seems to have visibly worse handling controls than revamp.
So I have 2 versions of this, own directly from this download, and one called "mecha revamp2.2" the one called mecha revamp has the things described, such as a bounce and dropdash, while the download version does not. is this a glitch with the download version? or are these abilities just removed but not listed as such in the notes. One more note, the hover time for the download is much longer than revamp, and seems to be longer than 2.5 seconds (unless it actually isn't and i'm just bad at time) and seems to have visibly worse handling controls than revamp.

Define "Revamp".

Define "Revamp".

im not entirely sure what you want me to define but the file name is literally just "mecharevampv2.2"

here take a look at it, it seems like an older version, but also not quite the same.

Please do not evicerate me for posting this, i have no idea where this came from or when i got it


  • CL_MechaRevamp-2.2.pk3
    1.3 MB · Views: 182
Canine, if you're still around, please tell us whether or not work is still being done on the sprites, ok?

Here's an image of the updated sprite as of today. Keep in mind we're still working on it.

Also for the next release, the Drop Dash has been removed but you no longer immediately uncurl from a hover.
I have a question. It's been 1 year, where's the resprite?
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