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Felicia the psychic Catgirl


Simple coder girl
Have been working on an OC with abilities from the Mother/Earthbound series

Sadly I haven't found a spriter interested in helping..yet


  • srb20106.gif
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Here is her jump ability, still unsure if to call it "Psycho Boost" or "Psycho Dash"
While it doesn't cost PP, it goes much further (maybe too much?) based on how much PP you have

Still looking for a spriter btw, anyone interested?
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Decided to name it Psycho Dash in the end
I also changed it up slightly:
  • having more PP makes it go faster, not further
  • you're still vulnerable while using the dash, to keep PK Freeze useful
  • You can twice if you hit a wall
Since PP now increases the speed, having more PP makes controlling the dash much harder and thus keeping high PP to use the stronger spells is now quite risky unless you decide to just not use the dash

Below are 2 gifs showing GFZ1 speedruns using the slowest and the fastest dash
Time to show one of her PSI spells, Counter.
She can cast Counter using 50PP and it will summon 4 rotating shields around her.
When damaged, one of the shields will take the hit and try to damage back whatever inflicted the damage
Contrary to normal shields when being protected with a counter the player will not be thrown back, but in return the invulnerability time is much shorter


Oh and when I said "try to damage back whatever inflicted the damage", I meant truly whatever:


Only exceptions are PSI attacks, they go right trough counters.
Large enough objects will also cause an explosion, but that won't harm you.

Lastly, the counters can be kept across levels, but you will lose all of them if you die while having them active.

ok, you're too powerful at lua.
anyways, what other supports are you adding (or atleast planned)
thank you
I was considering adding support for when kirby eats them (is that possible though?)
but I'm not aware of any other mod where you can add "support" for it, is there any other?
thank you
I was considering adding support for when kirby eats them (is that possible though?)
but I'm not aware of any other mod where you can add "support" for it, is there any other?
and.... idk.
and.... idk.
persona would be quite fun but also quite...a long process I think (I'd have to create lots of PSIs), maybe in the future?
I actually tried battlemod in a private beta test and her PSIs work perfectly already...so I guess it's compatible technically
as for the other 2...I'm not sure how you add support for them, isn't milne just a character?
persona would be quite fun but also quite...a long process I think (I'd have to create lots of PSIs), maybe in the future?
I actually tried battlemod in a private beta test and her PSIs work perfectly already...so I guess it's compatible technically
as for the other 2...I'm not sure how you add support for them, isn't milne just a character?
xmomentum would be a fail sprite that you name either

milne has a dance emote that characters can add support to
Hey, what's your skin named, and what's the PP variable called? I'd like to work it into Annie's healing script.


  • Annie - Healing.txt
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is that possible though?
Yes it is actually possible, by using this code, you can make it whatever number it can be. Including which ability table you can add in for you're object, which is pretty cool. If you wanna see which numbers they are, check it in SLADE in it's lua folder. Where you can, basically get anything from it's information is at. Anyway here is the example script (Which it was taken from the overview page so bare with me).

if not(kirbyabilitytable)
    rawset(_G, "kirbyabilitytable", {})
kirbyabilitytable[MT_EXAMPLEOBJECT] = 1    // Makes MT_EXAMPLEOBJECT give fireball
kirbyabilitytable["exampleskin"] = 2    // Makes the skin "exampleskin" give ice
Yes it is actually possible, by using this code, you can make it whatever number it can be. Including which ability table you can add in for you're object, which is pretty cool. If you wanna see which numbers they are, check it in SLADE in it's lua folder. Where you can, basically get anything from it's information is at. Anyway here is the example script (Which it was taken from the overview page so bare with me).

if not(kirbyabilitytable)
    rawset(_G, "kirbyabilitytable", {})
kirbyabilitytable[MT_EXAMPLEOBJECT] = 1    // Makes MT_EXAMPLEOBJECT give fireball
kirbyabilitytable["exampleskin"] = 2    // Makes the skin "exampleskin" give ice
interesting! thanks
I love the way this mod is turning out. I wish I could sprite, because I would help.
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I could beta test, if you want.
I love the way this mod is turning out. I wish I could sprite, because I would help.
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I could beta test, if you want.
thanks, i appreciate it even if you cant sprite
about that...since I couldn't find anyone in the end I decided that I'll just learn myself
didn't finish any sprite yet...but I made a lil kirby to train

some more beta testing would be nice, but I'd rather discuss that on Discord, do you have an account?

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