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    • TheLastKitchenGun replied to the thread Super Clash.
      this isn't something you'd need to ask permission to fix but go ahead anyways you also don't need to credit me, it's just a...
    • for my clones, I want them to be able to think I ain't gonna be around to command them forever, they should at least be able to think...
    • I don't care. until A.I gets to the point where we can just straight up make metallic people I refuse to pay attention, I want my...
    • TheLastKitchenGun replied to the thread Sonic Skirmish.
      the issue where you can't select any other weapon other than the basic gun hasn't been fully fixed the host can select a different one...
    • TheLastKitchenGun replied to the thread Crash Bandicoot.
      wish this guy didn't have a run button why have a run button and make him slower than most characters while "walking" when every other...
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