as a wise man once said,
"it's time to kick gum and chew- ASS?! *laughing* and *constraint* and i'm all out of- *laughing* ASS!!!
f*ckin' dick kickem... *gasp*"
Not a fan of that character and I wasn't know him until know but his gameplay is really fun same as tails guy but improved
Hmmm who's that in the credits
Okay but actually Duke is really fun to play as and it was really fun to watch his creation progress (even if I didn't contribute much tbh)
This mod really makes it feel like you're playing Duke Nukem 3D in SRB2. Most aspects of the character are authentic to the source material, although obviously not everything could be copied. But I was shocked to see some of what was included, such as Build engine-style swimming and the odd pistol reload system that works based on 12-bullet intervals instead of actual clips.
I also thought the Ego meter unlocking after collecting all the Emeralds was an amazing idea - miles better than how Duke Nukem Forever handled it. Granted, it isn't hard to best that game, but still, temporary double fire rate and infinite ammo? Sign me up!
That being said, I do have one gripe:
Where are the timer and the score counter? If you can't have them on-screen in their original forms, do you think you could do a stylized version like with the Modern Sonic HUDs? The Duke3D source port eDuke32 has level stats that can be shown on the HUD, which I've attached a screenshot of below; maybe you could use that as a base?
I've felt that when I played as Duke Nukem in SRB2, it felt like the the original Duke Nukem 3D gameplay.
But would it be good if the Duke Nukem 3D enemies invade the world of SRB2?
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