WOOOO! It's time boys! I got to test the beta too, this really gets you FEELING GOOD! when playing him! ^-^
think I found a bug with the slide move
Is that his equivalent to the perma-rolling glitch?
Nice mod. Some sprite look weird(even if way better than ugly renders of 2.1 version) mostly super one and controls are weird(understandable with the limited keys) but outside of that it's an interesting mod having potential. Also nice that even if ability are based on colors, sprite are still based of adventure which look better.
Something that I thought about that would help out a lot would be after about a second of being in knockback frames, you gain the ability to jump out of it and try to save yourself with a double jump, homing attack, or boost. Would be really helpful in fights such as Brak Eggman and Fang, or similar situations.

Edit: I got a Sigsev error when homing attacking the long flying enemy in RVZ that drops bombs. Thought I should probably point it out. I have also experienced problems with some custom bosses breaking when hit by the homing attack.
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Maybe the normal air dash could be added as a toggle for those who want closer to a Sonic Unleashed/Generations feel. Or at least the option to hold jump during a homing attack to retain your momentum so you don't have to lose all of your speed when using the homing attack
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I'd also like the normal air dash, the airboost goes super far super fast, and it is not platforming conducive. The little air dash can be used for platforming, and you stop at the end of it's duration too.

Another thing is like you jump higher when jumping after stomping... if that's possible. Idk if that was in any Sonic game though.
I'd also like being able to jump right after a stomp, since you can do that in Generations / Unleashed... i'm pretty sure.
My one problem is a very small nitpick, but in the modern games he starts the map with full boost, and if he dies, then he starts with no boost.
Nice mod. Some sprite look weird(even if way better than ugly renders of 2.1 version) mostly super one and controls are weird(understandable with the limited keys) but outside of that it's an interesting mod having potential. Also nice that even if ability are based on colors, sprite are still based of adventure which look better.

They look weird because they are actually really old. I think I've seen it in 2.0.
I can't tell, but I can at least say it's not the first time I see these sprites.
"Chrispy: Special thanks to creating and letting me use your SonicCE. A lot of people dont seem to like it but it's one of the better old Modern Sonic's
in my opinion."
I didn't need to read this before hand, but I did and found out those are the sprites I were talking about from 2.0.X... Whatever, not everyone knows how to make sprites and those look pretty cool and only need some polishing for my liking.
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Wow, this is amazingly fun, though utterly breaks the game at times. It's also a testament to how difficult a Boost Sonic is to control in levels meant for a slower Sonic. Two observations:

-The double jump is reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally weak. I dunno if that's intentional or not. Also, I wish there were a way to separate doublejumping and the homing attack as I cannot even begin to describe the amount of times I homing attacked some random thing instead of double-jumping. Unleashed did this and the justified critique led Sonic Team to give homing attacking its own dedicated button in every later game.

-I probably shouldn't tell you this, given how nice basically free energy is, but if you pop open a 10-ring monitor, your energy meter constantly increases until you get hit. You have effectively infinite boost energy until then. Unless this has to do with the natural energy recharge you mention?
Sonic doesn't need a strongf double jump. And what are you even talking about with the homing attack being it's own button. This game does homing attack how literally every other game does this. The "complaint" was that Unleashed's homing attack button was the same as the "airboost" button, but that's COMPLETELY different from this, and generations, and every other game. As the homing attack button is the same as the "air-dash" button.
It also fits in and looks really good. Really nice HUD.
I think Modern's character select should have more of a pose, right now he's kinda just standing there, with a smile. Maybe have him wave/point his finger? And maybe him slightly face the side? just some ideas
Spent about a couple hours doing a playthrough with this guy, and he's really fun. The abilities really allowed for some creative movement opportunities, and being able to fly up high in the air with a boost-jump or climbing up to grab a Knuckles specific emblem by walljumping was some of the most fun stuff I've done in this game yet. The footsteps and the HUD were also really nice touches that drove that Unleashed vibe home.

The homing attack halting your momentum whenever you used it did start annoying me, though. Maybe that's just because I saw a GIF of another Modern-ish Sonic on Twitter, but it would be so cool if I could preserve the momentum I get while doing a homing attack, especially when homing onto springs and such (although that might make it hard to control in the long run).

Also, I stumbled upon this in AC2 by accident, lol:
I think straight up keeping all the momentum after a homing attack would make him too hard to control in tandem with every other feature, but having a small boost forward if you're holding a direction would be fine. It'd be accurate to Unleashed at the very least.
That's actually a bug with SRB2 and not with ModernSonic. as for the homing attack coming to a stop after hitting a spring again, its an SRB2 bug as well. Though for enemies I don't get what the big deal is. It's like that in almost any game to feature the homing attack.
I suppose little to none of my scrapped wisps mod back in 2.1 helped out in this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you come to me for anything? Even if all I did was either help, give advice, did neither, or both.

Either way, I dunno if this'll give me any motivation to revive that old project, but at least we got something modern to play with! (man, SonicCE dates back to 2.0.6/7)

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