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I've always wanted to do this, so here we go!

In the vanilla campaign, you will have to race Metal Sonic to the goal or PERISH TRYING TO!

It's also in bonus and challenge stages. An easier version where Metal Sonic uses his ability less is coming out soon, so keep that in mind.

Special Thanks to:
- antonretrojr
- yfyfyfyfyfy
- CST1229
- Rafael44642
They helped on the way and I wouldn't have completed this mod without them!

First release
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  1. Harder VS Metal Mode

    You think the previous versions were hard? Well, wait until you get a load of this, even harder!
  2. v3.1 changelog

    - A download button is now available. - The mod was converted to a pk3. - Metal's boss theme is...

Latest reviews

It's a fun mod, though I think the difficulty needs to be toned down a bit, even if it does make beating him feel more like an achievement.

I would give four stars regardless of the difficulty, but I found my game crashing way too often with this mod, which is a problem.
Upvote 0
I like this but metal is cutthroat for some reason.
like the vanilla metal sonic. you can cheese a good amount of it with a flying character.
unlike the vanilla Metal sonic race. he uses his hover ability which would be fine if he didn't use it like a crutch.
he should stick to Sonic's rout. (The slowest one)
also, the ring emblems in the custom save version are imposable to get.
so, don't bother.
how would I improve the mod? well, I would start with having metal sonic not use shields, to level the playing field. secondly, I would have him use his ability either for small time saves or when it doesn't matter. thirdly, I would have metal sonic take Sonic's rout.
hopefully a less aggressive metal sonic will be in an upcoming update.
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I wanna preface this by saying quickly we were playing on Normal mode, but here's our thoughts on the whole thing.
I want to start off with the fact that it was actually pretty neat how this was implemented, and I think it has great potential to expand into other maps, like community made ones, however it definetely has its flaws.

One of my smaller nitpicks with Metal Sonic in this mod is that he doesn't play like he does in Black Core Act 1, and by that i mean he has his full moveset instead of just the basic moves like he does in the act, I feel like this should be a Overdrive exclusive thing, not Normal mode.
The main issue we had is that we have 0 way of telling wether or not he has a shield on, in multiple zones (GFZ Act 2 is a prime example) he starts double jumping and is way faster (judging by Neon, who examined his animations on multiple zones) and even used the momentum extension. Mind you, all of this was in NORMAL MODE. I dread to think of what Overdrive is like, if this is "Normal"

Not to mention, there is basically no way to beat him normally unless you are extremely skilled at the game, both me and Neon know every single SRB2 zone like the back of our hand (well Neon knows a lot more) and STILL weren't able to beat him. Skill issue? Probably, but for Normal mode of all things I think this is a bit much.

anyway here's neons section:


While I understand that this is recorded by an actual srb2 player ingame, sometimes Metal gets way too annoying to deal with.

Metal's momentum is all over the place, in NORMAL MODE he could atleast go the long way, or take shortcuts later on, not just APPEAR OUT OF THIN AIR just so the casuals (Avery) also have fun.

I get that more advanced players will like this, but when I played it solo. I was struggling by DSZ1 (AS SONIC) due to Metal finding ways to cut the stage in half. while I appriciate the attempt at not using Overdrive, sometimes he seems too fast for base speed. In BCZ1 shit got personal. Especially at the end where he just starts to use the midair Overdrive gain to cut the time at the final stretch. Just like Avery said, Metal lacks visual indications that he has shields on and when he's faster than he is, but I am 100% certain that the first one is a replay issue, NOT a srb2 issue, cause in replays you can see Metal's speed engine change colour.

I think that this mod is a good time trial, but too much of a pain when playing with friends, or without mods. I do wish the Hard Mode version would use these replays for it's routes, but I bet that he uses some more bullshit up his ass to win.


back to avery :]]]

Overall, we rate this a 3/5. It's fun for more advanced players but for the casual ones as Neon said can be a bit of a pain, however this is really cool and I'd like to see you expand on it. Very cool :]

gfz2 has a hole in the floor

we take our rating back. 1/5

"You think the previous versions were hard? Well-"

"i hate you." -Avery
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I'd like to say I'm fairly competent at SRB2, so I went into this thinking I could get to Arid Canyon Zone. I was quickly humbled entering GFZ2. Great way to learn, improve, and even compete with friends!

(Though some of the maps might want to be looked over as I noticed seams in some of them occasionally)
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In the greenflower boss my game crashed, i was playing as xmomentum tails :( Please fix that and its very hard
Upvote 1
Really good for people that like speed, good job on this
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Yes... I'm aware that this was half a year ago as I'm posting this, But this mode has to be the best! When experienced it's almost a breeze while newbies suffer a bit. While not the best for multiplayer, it's still very fun to play either or. I came across no problems other than it crashing at bosses with mods (I know you are aware of that though.) And some weird holes in OpenGL. Good Job on the mod!
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I really like this mod. It makes the game more challenging and I find it enjoyable. Some suggestions I would make were to change the boss theme to his theme since we're battling him, not Eggman. Removing the cage on CEZ3 and make there his spawnpoint ,if possible, and I think I don't need to mention about some bosses being not just him. But besides that, it is really fun to play with it and I'm looking foward for future updates of this mod.
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