This has been difficult for me to think about prior to making this decision, but I've decided to no longer include "Yooka Laylee" as part of my character pack.
"Yooka Laylee" was an inside joke that I'm no longer comfortable keeping up, because of recent outside events that I will not mention here.
I apologize for any inconveniences caused, and I hope I don't do have to make a repeat of this in the future.
A new recommended character has entered the Race for Angel Island:
One may look at this and form a question in their brain that consists of the words "aw", and "seriously", followed by getting eliminated because they were idling in last place.
Shout outs go to Aaron0000 for the High Res kart sprites and "Dark Mario Bros" for the Kart Maker template that helped make this happen.
Hey there. I've come to bring you not only a fancy pack icon and more convenient download options, but also a new character. And that new character is Sunky!

No, not me! I'm not hip and cool enough to be inserted into a go kart (my head is too big to wear a safety helmet anyway, no joke). I'm talking the lad from the hit "Sunky the Game" series by Looneydude, and boy does Sunky look fancy with that "First Try Shading" cream he's wearing.
He might be hitting the race track now, but that won't stop him from being polite and hand signalling before making a turn. Either way, hope you enjoy the new character!
  • Cool!
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