The theme and visiable of the map here are great.
I will share all the problem that I have (it sound negatif but it doesn't mean i dislike the map)
- Bell Tower :
When you discover this map for the first time, it is a disaster. Everyone keep falling in pit because theyre are either to fast or to slow ; you often bonk on some hard turn ; getting hit just before a jump is a garanti fall. This map is awful in a full lobby for multiplayer.
It is however an incredible map for time attack, this is the only thing that save it. Visual are ok for the pokemon theme, there is just some moment where you can confuse the wall as the main road.
- Midnight Ritual :
Probably the most solid map in the pack. The only default is that there is too much fog in the track, making banana hard to see.
And just before the graveyard, you are most likely to take the offroad path by misstake insted of taking the split path.
- Tiled Byway :
Nothing special to said. There a long strait path where you go forward for like 10s, is.. long... And some specific slope where you land near the end should not have physic IMO. Also This eggmanbox spawner is really out of the way to get it, It could be place more close to the entrance exit.
- Vanilla Iceberg :
The ice physic is corect , not to strong so it's cool.
The huge slope at the bridge really need to has physic disable it's almost a garanti spb hit.
The first iceberg cut is not rewarding enough to take it.
The 2nd Iceberg cut is... a death plane? What? That's weird because you encourage to take it for the first one but punish it for this one.
- Sundae Drive :
Extremly great visual.
But the ramp... there are the worst part of the map. You lost way to much speed by taking them, and even more if you land on the 2nd smaller one for the right path. This would had no problem with trick, but without trick those ramp are garbage.
THe first strong turn would need to have slope physic off too, because you can sometime fly away.
- Egg Reverence
(I won't complain about hiding eggman box into the item box since it's aparently a sprite conflict)
The ramp at the begening is a dissater, going to fast => you die . Going to slow => You die . Gettting bonk => You die.
The final slope turn look weird. You expect it to have physic but it hasn't I think?
- Amber glade :
The wall and floor share the same texture, this create deapth perception problem.
The map is I think too small.
The ramp blend way to much with the ground so we don't notice it's a slope to go at the top path.