Fantastic work, which I suppose is to be expected given the famously talented people who worked on it. Espio's wall climbing ability has especially left a big impression on me, it's super creative and unique, I'd love to see something like it in vanilla SRB2. And Vector's animation is outstanding, the presence of the "squash & stretch" and "anticipation" principles provide a whole new layer of charm and lovely cartooniness. Overall, It's obvious that a lot of love and care went into making this, and it shows. 10/10
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aside from a few nitpicks with mighty's controls, which i elaborate on here:

this is an excellent cast of characters, bomb being my personal favorite

vector makes rolling actually fun which is always nice to see
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astounded by the spritework on display for everyone. everyone's existing animations from chaotix have been brought into semi-3d beautifully. this mod is an incredible treat, visually.

i've been waiting years for a solid mighty mod, and he feels great here in terms of the wall jump and shell mechanics! others have voiced this, but the combination of wall jump and hammer drop on the same button is counter-intuitive in that the slightest mistimed button press can undo a ton of wall jump work in an instant. i assume you don't want hammer drop on spin not just because of the drop dash input that uses spin but because it would prevent the use of shield abilities or remove the option to hammer drop with a shield; i think a good compromise would be to make the hammer drop activate on pressing > releasing jump in the air instead of just pressing it, that way you could safely hold jump on the way to a wall to cling to it when you reach it.

but honestly, i would be happy with any option that prevents the hammer drop from interfering with the wall jump, whether it's a carefully considered tweak to his controls or an command to put in the console. i'm only writing all this out because everything else about playing him feels so good, and i mean it! this mod is impeccable and makes me really happy :>
Upvote 4
The best character pack i ever seen, no words, it's just a masterpiece.
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I know this seems like a bad review because I say it because I only played with the character of mighty because he is my favorite character his sprites are incredible the perfect skills (ps: sorry if it is written badly, I don't know English very well to write all this)
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This is truly awesome! , i mean this is the first time ever i see 6 whole characters into a single pack . but one of the best games of the Sega 32XX jumped on Sonic Robo Blast 2?! , Satisfying!
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They're all great to play as, my only real nitpick is that I think Heavy's dash should fling enemies, but that's ultimately minor in the grand scheme of things.
Upvote 1
This mod has so much charm and i love all of the characters moveset even tho i havent gotten used to them yet
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simply marvelous. i like the little details such as vector sticking his thumb out when running
overall, is gud
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I really don't feel like writing a whole ass review on every character so I'll just keep it short. This character pack is AMAZING. It has so much charm, style, ooze, work, effort put into it, it might be the best SRB2 character pack ever. No character feels horrible to play as, everyone feels amazing to play in singleplayer/CO-OP and battlemod. Bravo, I can't wait to see what else Team Combi-Rings will bring us to the table.
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So awesome. The time it released the MB crashed for a lot of people (i did get it though)

we bill
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Oh, man. Oh, man oh man oh man... You don't know how much I love this. I've never seen so much love and effort put towards a character pack. It's been a long time coming, I've been aware, and even without being aware it was going to be a thing, you can just naturally tell how much time they put into this. A lot.

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Every character is fun to play, but Espio has a annoying bug, If you have the elemental shield and you do your ability, the framerate starts dropping, other than that the mod is great.
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SUCH AN AMAZING MOD!!! I didn't expect to have as much fun as I had each character is fun to play as and have very fun mechanics that can be used very well I highly recommend this
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I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR A NEW CHAOTIX AND IT'S HERE! Seriously this is awesome, or "Wonderful!" (Mario Wonder Reference). Hopefully Jeck notices this and models it.
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10/10 this is epic. everyone has a cool playstyle and it's incredible you delivered 6 damn chars
if i reviewed everyone this would make the page hella long so im not doing that. go play this for yourself and you'll see
i will talk a bit about espio though. focus shift is more speed based but you can aim it upwards (it's not all speed) and kinda homing attack enemies
what more do i need to say? it's the chaotix
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This is phenomenal. I am just speechless about how good this is. They all control like butter (Including Heavy), The sprite work feels right at home with the vanilla game, And there is surprisingly not a single frame drop. Meaning the code has been handled well, Too. This might be my Knuckles Chaotix bias showing, But this mod is up there with ChrispyChars and Mario Bros as one of my favorite mods on the MB!
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The SRB2MB never fails to amaze me. Every incredible mod I play outplays the other. I have no words, not two but SIX whole characters that give so much life and fit with SRB2. I love you Team Combi-Rings.

I would sacrifice my blood for you, I'd be your best man at your wedding. I'm not joking when I say this is the best mod. So much love and care was put into this. Plus playable Vector, and I can write a whole thesis statement on why I love Vector and the rest of the cast as the fact.

I thank you for your contributions to society. It'd be cool to see SRB2P support as well since this looks like a JRPG party itself but that's just me talking since I love this mod and the dev team soooo much. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Did I say how I love how everyone plays? I did? Well here I am again! I LOVE IT! THANK YOOOOOUUUUU!!!!!!
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Ok guys, now this is chaotix.
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This pack is amazing! Every character plays extremely well, even Heavy and Bomb, who play drastically differently that I thought they would, but it still fits~!
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