Yet another awesome SRB2 mod worthy of being featured with the giants! Everyone's so colorful, detailed, and animated beautifully! Truly amazing what the community can do when they put all their greatest modders together to create awesomeness. So here's me giving my thoughts on each character.

Espio's spritework and moveset has seen great improvements since his previous iteration. I love his goofy running animation haha. Only problem I had with him is that I wish his focus teleport went a bit higher.

Mighty, also beautifully animated. Happy we have a proper Mighty mod that actually fits SRB2's style! I don't like that his hammer dash is tied to the same button you use to get off of walls and cling to them, leading to troubling situations where you'd stomp to your death instead of clinging onto the wall. Simple fix, just change the hammer dash to be the Spin key instead.

My man Vector. Such a silly guy, giving you a thumbs up for keeping up your momentum. Love him. The timing with his beat bash is a bit tricky and apparently I was even doing it wrong at first. You're not supposed to tap the Jump key before you hit a wall, but simply release it before you do. Now he's starting to feel and flow right with me! Poor reading on my part, whoops.

Charmy is sooo tiny haha. He's perfect. No complaints here. Glad you didn't give him infinite flight, tho it would've been cool if you did for his super or even XMod's hyper form(unless you did and I just haven't checked yet).

I love that Heavy is just a Wario-type character. His timed jump takes a bit to get used to and I also don't like that it slows your momentum down, but it works, I suppose. Don't really like timed jumps as the main mechanic instead of it being used for a double jump, but that's just me.

Bomb is just exploding with action...literally! You can really maneuver around with the little guy once you get a hang of how he works. I see huge speedrunning potential with him.

Overall, definitely another mod I'll be adding to my rotation along the likes of Whisper, Gemma, Skip & Jana, etc.
Upvote 2
Fun characters, nice presentation, nice in general. The nonexistent reusability puts me off though.
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A good one for sure! this feel's like an actual main dev's creation for srb2 itself!
Upvote 1
peak modding,but legit tho this is actually really good . I love the little Easter eggs as well
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You know, this addon is pretty amazing, to be honest with you, i've been waiting for like a Vector addon for 3 years, and the wait was officially over and was worth it as well, specially the fact that the attention to detail given to the characters really shows how well made this addon is, specially with Vector on his idle animation playing some tunes, and when he also dies, his Headphones end up falling off his head, which it adds to the fact that this addon has a lot of effort and love put into it, not to mention that when you enable the addon, the main menu ends up changing and the screen when you quit the game also ends up changing, which it's pretty radical and outstanding to be honest, which i must say is that i recommend this addon for anyone who really wants to have fun with having Chaotix in SRB2, specially the fact that it's easy to play as them, with just the Spin Button and the Jump Button being the only buttons used, which i managed to beat the whole game as Espio, so yeah, i highly recommend trying this addon, it's really fun and entertaining, and pretty much unique as well.
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A lot of character mods are worth a 5-star rating simply due to the effort put in and the fact that they're good fun.

This mod redefines that entirely, because no joke it is one of the only ones in 2.2's entire modding history that I've downloaded and had so much fun with that it made me want to do a full playthrough with it. The sprites and animations on every character are beautiful and their movesets are wonderfully responsive and intuitive, having a good bit of depth and complexity with a simple implementation. It's GOOD. But for such a big gathering of talent of course it is.
Upvote 1
All 6 Characters are Fun in Robo blast 2 before chaotix 102 Gamma was the last good character mod the Modding scenes was dry of Solid characters for a good while Till 102 Gamma & chaotix changed that
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Absolutely outstanding mighty being my favorite for having a skill-based way to gain height with wall clinging which allows for some great tricks (Although I think it should be on spin so you don't accidentally hammer drop), and an almost instant hammer drop with a drop dash.
I Love how Heavy it can get some great speed although the drop after a jump should be slowed down a little.
Vector is great although a brighter indicator for beat bash would be nice.
Espio I need to get better at but it is still great fun because you can go through things like spikes and lasers if used correctly.
Bomb I haven't really figured out yet but still a fun character.
Upvote 2
Really awesome mod i love everything about it, really love how you made espio and mighty even better then before, can't wait for ray.
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Overall Review: While the characters feel fun to play, It still feels unfinished, with Mighty's hudname being Migh, instead of Mighty. A bot Heavy taxing the player during Single Player (Might just be an Anywho mod issue)

Character Individual reviews:

Espio: Fun, balanced, and better than the Espio character mod

Mighty: Fun until you end up hammer dropping into an endless pit

Charmy: 10 Charmies out of 10 Metal Sonics

Vector: The timing for Beat Bash feels punishing if you don't play rhythm games

Heavy: Pairs well with Bomb when using the Anywho mod, otherwise, is fun to play

Bomb: Bomb feels like a more balanced Deton. Bomb is fun to play when bored.
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I know this is like my third review now, but *please* give an option to disable the custom titlescreen, makes my game chug
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So i deleted my old one for 3 reasons, first is charmy interrupts something in a few map mods i play and makes it crash, second is because for some odd reason i cannot get mighty's hammer drop to work for the life of me. third is because i need to glaze this mode more. The graphics feel so official, if you showed these characters to a person who has never played this game before, and said they're unlockable they would believe you because they look that good. and the gameplay (except for the bugs i mentioned before) feels amazing, and they fit right in with everyone else. its crazy how much love was put in this mod. I hope this mod gets EVEN MORE attention from srb2 players
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only thing i can say is:


(also please provide an option or something to disable the custom titlescreen very please pretty please and thank you for making this)
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This very cool man! The mod is good good job the chars,the title screen its just good.
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Insanely high quality mod, very simple and innovative movesets for each character, fantastic. 10/10
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I came home from work jumping up and down like it was christmas. I've been waiting on heavy and bomb ever since 2021, but to get ALL the chaotix too? I'm blown away at all the work that went into this, 20/10.
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Fantastic work, which I suppose is to be expected given the famously talented people who worked on it. Espio's wall climbing ability has especially left a big impression on me, it's super creative and unique, I'd love to see something like it in vanilla SRB2. And Vector's animation is outstanding, the presence of the "squash & stretch" and "anticipation" principles provide a whole new layer of charm and lovely cartooniness. Overall, It's obvious that a lot of love and care went into making this, and it shows. 10/10
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aside from a few nitpicks with mighty's controls, which i elaborate on here:

this is an excellent cast of characters, bomb being my personal favorite

vector makes rolling actually fun which is always nice to see
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astounded by the spritework on display for everyone. everyone's existing animations from chaotix have been brought into semi-3d beautifully. this mod is an incredible treat, visually.

i've been waiting years for a solid mighty mod, and he feels great here in terms of the wall jump and shell mechanics! others have voiced this, but the combination of wall jump and hammer drop on the same button is counter-intuitive in that the slightest mistimed button press can undo a ton of wall jump work in an instant. i assume you don't want hammer drop on spin not just because of the drop dash input that uses spin but because it would prevent the use of shield abilities or remove the option to hammer drop with a shield; i think a good compromise would be to make the hammer drop activate on pressing > releasing jump in the air instead of just pressing it, that way you could safely hold jump on the way to a wall to cling to it when you reach it.

but honestly, i would be happy with any option that prevents the hammer drop from interfering with the wall jump, whether it's a carefully considered tweak to his controls or an command to put in the console. i'm only writing all this out because everything else about playing him feels so good, and i mean it! this mod is impeccable and makes me really happy :>
Upvote 4
The best character pack i ever seen, no words, it's just a masterpiece.
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