Damm wild, could have a easter egg for Heavy and Bomb to them do a pose turning into old Archie Comics visuals.
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Heavy is completely invincible
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Mighty's current walljump is good actually. Adds a neat skill floor to it like Super Metroid's wall jump. Just making sure to push into the wall before pressing jump isn't too hard, especially considering Espio's easymode wall jump. Heavy being Wario Land in 3D is amazing and what you've done with Bomb reminds me of Cool Spot which all together pretty much turns SRB2 into the ultimate platformer.
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Very simple, Good mod would recommend!
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perfect! but i could do without the custom title screen replacement personally....

however it also wouldve been interesting if ********** (aka wechnia) were put in just for some fun hahas! but eh! it is what it is!

so yeah! overall! its perfect!
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This mod is REALLY good, But I have a problem with heavy in battle mod. I kind of wish they were a little more invincible? and maybe debuff bomb a little bit. But other than those thhings, this mod is a good.
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Absolutely Amazing. Each Character plays extremely well and unique. Truly a thank you letter to the 32X Game.
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ive only tried out mighty and vector but oh my GOD these characters bang, vector might my my favorite character ive played in like any platformer ever. BUT. he cant go under the lil roll gaps, and that makes a bunch of levels completely impossible as him
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Absolutely great mod all-around. My only issue is that Mighty's wall cling and hammer drop being mapped to the same input causes a rather unfun issue in which you may drop instead of clinging to a wall at times.
Perhaps place the hammer drop and drop dash to the spin input?

Charmy's small size gave me a silly moment when I accidentally flew outside of THZ3's arena.
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that was an outstanding mod
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CHAOTIX!! nice mod!!
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funni crocodile is dancing, 5 stars
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Nice mod but can you make an version without the custom title screen it breaks custom map packs's title screens
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My favorite mod ever, I love the work that went into this!!
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Love this mod and the sprite work is absolutely phenomenal! Seriously this maybe the single best sprite work I've seen for an SRB2 mod! However, and this may seem to go against my previous praise for the sprites, I do wish this mod came with 3D models. I'm someone who prefers this game with models instead of sprites as it just makes making jumps easier for me. I hope that gets added in the future. Regardless awesome work, 4 stars.
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Excellent mod! Charmy and Mighty play exactly how you'd expect them to, Espio, Heavy, and Bomb had appreciably unique aspects added to them to make them more unique and SRB2-ish, and Vector's entire moveset is really original and kicks ass. Perfected amounts of polish everywhere...

... uh, except on Mighty. No idea why his wall cling and hammer drop are mapped to the same button. This led to a lot of unnecessary headaches when traversing pretty much anything that involved being near a ledge.

That doesn't take away from the rest of the pack being good, though. Great work!

EDIT: Forgot to mention - Mighty's super form is a no-brainer, and Espio and Vector make /some/ sense (Sonic and Knuckles analogues), but why do Charmy and especially Heavy and Bomb have super forms? o_o
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Chaotix looks good (5 stars because Favorite mod)
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I thought I left a rating but I either can't find it or I didn't.

Either way, I wanted to say that this mod is absolutely incredible however I would like to say a few problems I have and some suggestions to help make the mod the best it could be.

First off I'll say Espio has some of the biggest flow problems of the group and like to suggest that the camera follow the clone you make as you teleport. Might help since the move isn't bad on its own. (also it be nice if holding spin would send you down when teleporting)

Next Might and Vector, this is a personal issue I have with them. (and I don't want to talk about Might's problems as they have probably been brought up already.)

So my issue comes from them not being able to break walls naturally. Vector could use this due to his big size and Mighty is just the weakest moveset-wise maybe could make some good use of Knuckles' stuff. Plus it might be fun for challenge runs. (I mean all these characters could take most of Knuckles' paths just fine so I see why not)

And Heavy and Bomb are peak fiction. Maybe Bomb being able to use his jump skill after spinning could be nice but that's really it.

Hope to see the move work and maybe even a patch for these guys. Fantastic stuff B)
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the fact that people still remember Heavy & Bomb is actually nice!

all jokes aside, this is a dang good character pack.
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