Surge the Tenrec!

Surge the Tenrec! 1.3

One of my favorite mods to come out for 2.2 everything compliments each other really well and she's super fun to just run around as. My only and i mean ONLY nitpick is that you can't hold your homing attack to launch off of vertical springs. Instead you homing attack the spring and fly straight up killing all momentum(unless i'm wrong and just not doing something right) Other than that she's definitely in my top 3 favorite character mods
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i liked too much but i think he need a abilitie of after being damaged can you do a short jump
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This mod has great sprites and great abilities. I only have 2 problems with it. If you "charge" via spindash, it quits the spindash. You can just jump out of the spindash so I honestly don't know why it exits the spindash. You can't (at least within my experience) preform a homing attack if your "charged" i find this somewhat of a problem but all this may come off as nit-picking. Either way this is a fun mod and I would recommend anyone download this.
light dasher
light dasher
You can press (or hold) custom button 1 if you want to remove your charge and keep homing c;
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she makes almost EVERY shield useless,amazing work on this,light dasher!
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