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[Open Assets] srb2dl - SRB2 Content Downloader CLI

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  1. Yes

This script extracts links and information from, GitHub, GitLab and other websites, and lists them in a simple format including title, author, upload/update date and category. This allows more straightforward and centralized approach to downloading everything related to SRB2/SRB2Kart/Ring Racer.


  • Browsing SRB2/SRB2Kart/Ring Racers content by categories,
  • Downloading multiple resources at the same time,
  • Downloading resource by addon ID,
  • Searching content by keyword or user,
  • Filtering content by reusable,
  • Upgrade previously downloaded content,
  • Added vanilla SRB2/SRB2Kart/Ring Racers builds and custom builds (source code included),
  • Runs on Linux, Windows (Cygwin, Git Bash) and MacOS.
  • Basic system utilities like GNU Coreutils, BusyBox or macOS out-of-the-box system utilities,
  • Bash or any POSIX-compliant shell,
  • Findutils,
  • Curl,
  • Gawk,
  • Ncurses,
  • Optionally: w3m or any web browser for previewing resources in
Additionally, Windows users need to have installed Cygwin or Git Bash to run this script.

Dependencies Installation:


In terminal enter this following command:
- Debian/Ubuntu/Debian based/Ubuntu based: sudo apt install make git coreutils findutils ncurses-bin curl gawk,

- Arch/Arch based: sudo pacman -S --needed make git coreutils findutils ncurses curl gawk,

- Gentoo/Gentoo based: sudo emerge -av dev-vcs/git sys-apps/coreutils sys-apps/findutils sys-libs/ncurses net-misc/curl sys-apps/gawk,

- Fedora/Fedora based: sudo dnf install make git coreutils findutils ncurses curl gawk,

- Fedora Silverblue/Fedora Kinoite/Universal Blue (Bazzite, Aurora): rpm-ostree install -A --allow-inactive make git coreutils findutils ncurses curl gawk,

- RHEL/RHEL based: sudo dnf install make git coreutils findutils ncurses curl gawk,

- openSUSE Leap/openSUSE Tumbleweed/openSUSE Leap based/openSUSE Tumbleweed based: sudo zypper in make git coreutils findutils ncurses curl gawk,

- openSUSE MicroOS/openSUSE MicroOS based: sudo transactional-update pkg in make git coreutils findutils ncurses curl gawk,

- Void/Void based: sudo xbps-install make git coreutils findutils ncurses curl gawk,

- Alpine/Alpine based: sudo apk add make git coreutils findutils ncurses curl gawk,

- Solus/Solus based: sudo eopkg it make git coreutils findutils ncurses curl gawk,

- NixOS/NixOS based: sudo nix profile install nixpkgs#gnumake nixpkgs#git nixpkgs#coreutils nixpkgs#findutils nixpkgs#ncurses nixpkgs#curl nixpkgs#gawk --extra-experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' or set those packages in "environment.systemPackages = with pkgs;" in "/etc/nixos/configuration.nix", and then enter sudo nixos-rebuild switch,

- Immutable systems like Steam Deck's SteamOS need rootless method of getting dependencies to avoid issues with wiping out installed packages after system's update or not to be able to write to certain path, like "/usr/local":
  • Install dependencies with package manager Homebrew: brew install make git coreutils findutils ncurses curl gawk,
In the above distributions this packages should be already preinstalled.

There are decent tutorials how to install Git Bash or Cygwin. I recommend these following:
For Cygwin:
1. Installing Cygwin:
2. Installing dependencies like curl. The following example is for git:
For Git Bash:
1. Installing Git Bash:
  • Watch this video from 7:19 to 9:33,
2. Git Bash can be found on start menu,
3. The rest of dependencies are installed, if you follow video.

1. In terminal enter this following command:
- Homebrew: brew install curl gawk,
- MacPorts: sudo port install curl gawk.



  1. Open terminal,
  2. Enter git clone or download zip file HERE, which is always up to date,
  3. Go to downloaded directory: cd srb2dl,
  4. Enter sudo make install, which will install to "/usr/local/bin". You can specify your path with variable PREFIX, for example make install PREFIX=$HOME/.local, which will copy script to "$HOME/.local/bin". Alternatively manually place script to your path, which is readable by shell (PATH environment variable), and change script's permissions to be executable: chmod 755 [path to srb2dl script].
  1. Open Git Bash,
  2. Enter git clone or download zip file HERE, which is always up to date, to user directory,
  3. Go to downloaded directory: cd srb2dl,
  4. Enter install -Dm755 srb2dl -t /usr/local/bin.
  1. Open terminal,
  2. Enter git clone,
  3. Go to downloaded directory: cd srb2dl,
  4. Enter sudo make install, which will install to "/usr/local/bin". You can specify your path with variable PREFIX, for example make install PREFIX=$HOME/.local, which will copy script to "$HOME/.local/bin". Alternatively manually place script to your path, which is readable by shell (PATH environment variable), and change script's permissions to be executable: chmod 755 [path to srb2dl script].
Usage (from help text):

Download SRB2/SRB2Kart/Ring Racers addons, software and builds.

Usage: srb2dl [OPTIONS...] <addon-id/search-query> <directory-path>
-h, --help Show this help text.
-hst, --history <addon-id> Choose version of resource by addon ID and download it.
-i, --id <addon-id> Download resource by addon ID.
-kr, --ringracers Go to Ring Racers resources.
-k, --kart Go to SRB2Kart resources.
-lu, --listurl List URL from database of downloaded files.
-o, --old Go to archived resources for previous SRB2/SRB2Kart versions.
-ru, --removeurl Remove URL from database of downloaded files (preventing of upgrading undesired resources).
-r, --reusable Filter resources by reusable.
-s, --search <search-query> Search resources by keyword.
-u, --search-user <search-query> Search resources by user.
-up, --upgrade Upgrade previously downloaded resources, according to database of URLs (only is supported).

1. Show SRB2 resources and download them to chosen path:
srb2dl "$HOME/Downloads"

2. Go to Ring Racers resources and download them to current directory:
srb2dl --ringracers

3. Search for Sonic related content:
srb2dl --search "sonic"

4. Search for user's reusable content:
srb2dl --search-user "user123" --reusable

5. Go to archived resources for previous SRB2/SRB2Kart/Ring Racers versions and download them to "$HOME/Downloads" path (-r/--reusable option is not supported for -o/--old):
srb2dl --old "$HOME/Downloads"

6. Upgrade previously downloaded resources to "$HOME/Downloads" path, according to database of URLs (only is supported):
srb2dl --upgrade "$HOME/Downloads"

7. Remove URL from database of downloaded files (preventing of upgrading undesired resources):
srb2dl --removeurl

8. Download resource by addon ID and download it to "$HOME/Downloads" path:
srb2dl --id 3457 "$HOME/Downloads"

9. Choose version of resource by addon ID and download it to "$HOME/Downloads" path:
srb2dl --history 3457 "$HOME/Downloads"

1. Previewing resources is available by setting "export SRB2DLPREVIEW=1" and optionally variable BROWSER (for example "export BROWSER=firefox") in shell configuration file. Default previewer is w3m, if installed,

2. If you set "export SRB2DLAUTODIR=1" in shell configuration file, script will be able to detect path to SRB2 configuration folder and then let you choose subdirectory, where each addon will be downloaded. WARNING: parsing path to download resource as script's argument is disabled, when this variable is set.

3. Other environment variables to use. To activate them with value "1", do for example "export SRB2DLDEBUG=1":
- SRB2DLDEBUG - Getting verbose output from script. Useful for reporting issues in .


1. Previewing resources is available by setting "export SRB2DLPREVIEW=1" and optionally variable BROWSER (for example "export BROWSER=firefox") in shell configuration file. Default previewer is w3m, if installed.

2. If you set "export SRB2DLAUTODIR=1" in shell configuration file, script will be able to detect path to SRB2 configuration folder and then let you choose subdirectory, where each addon will be downloaded. WARNING: parsing path to download resource as script's argument is disabled, when this variable is set.

3. Other environment variables to use. To activate them with value "1", do for example "export SRB2DLDEBUG=1":

- SRB2DLDEBUG - Getting verbose output from script. Useful for reporting issues in
  • Cool!
Reactions: PatoXO and PASRC
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Update 2024-10-10

    Fix for "Argument list too long" that occured when trying to choose other addon to download...
  2. Update 2024-06-14

    Features: - Added support to download Ring Racers resources, - Included SRB2 Kart Neptune, Ring...
  3. Update 2024-04-21

    Added Ports sub-categories from SRB2 MB, Fixed blank entry, when there is no listed addons.

Latest reviews

Very useful script, was looking for something just like this. Makes downloading add-ons way easier. I haven't experienced any issues so far, but I do wish there was an option to download add-ons from your bookmarks.
Upvote 0
Neat script for those who wants a bit more control of downloading content. Or just using it in some kind of launcher or something.
Thanks for review.
Upvote 0
Works on Mac too! :D

I found a single issue, which is that it lets you queue the same addon multiple times for downloading (which raised a Curl error on my end). I also think it could benefit from having a guide on where to find and how to install its dependencies, so those who aren't totally computer-savvy can use this. Aside from that, it is very legible for a command-line script!

Welcome to releases!
Thanks for feedback. Glad it works on macOS. Issue with download queue is fixed in the newest GitHub commit.
Upvote 0