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SegaSonic Ray by Emong and Wumbo.


SegaSonic Ray by Emong and Wumbo.

Version 3
  • Character and Lua updated for 2.2
  • Wall collision may or may not be finally fixed
  • Ray's secret super form has been removed (goodnight sweet prince)
Version 2
  • Updated to use new version of RayMania.lua
Version 1
  • Initial release
  • Emong for the original base WAD and script, and for giving me permission to release this
  • Ragey for his spritesheet

Supporters / CoAuthors

  • srb20015.png
    1,007.4 KB · Views: 812
  • srb20012.png
    1,007.4 KB · Views: 1,329
  • srb20016.gif
    3.1 MB · Views: 1,155
First release
Last update

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Latest reviews

Glide works well. Missing some sprites (proper spin dash, NiGHTS stages). Fun to play.
Upvote 0
Overall it's a fairly good implementation of a classic character who has had a surge in popularity lately. He's more or less accurate to Sonic Mania, translated to 3d, and works pretty well. He's not an easy character and I certainly haven't mastered him I think he has potential to be good if played well.

The art is merely serviceable, but as another review mentions, he has a very nice 3d model availible.

Finally, for those wondering, the asset is on a forum post, go to the Discussion tab and it will attached to the first post.
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Why doesn't the download button appear?
Upvote 6
An interesting character who plays almost exactly as you'd expect. He's just kind of here for the novelty of having Ray in this game, which might be why nobody else has made a Ray mod yet. My only recommendation is that you never play this character with sprites. Play him with models. You'll have a much nicer experience.
Upvote 2