Pierre the Peacock

Pierre the Peacock 1.4

Hey all! I finally went updated a few things about Pierre's Super form. So now he has proper new visuals to suit his transformation! I also touched up some sprites that weren't changed last update, and gave Super Pierre a perk that now leaves a trail of fire in his wake as he rolls across the ground
In addition, there have been a few bugs that have been fixed, as well as few visual changes across the board
I hope you enjoy it! <3
Pierre now has a model!!
Included now is Pierre's PK3, in addition to all the essential files to make Pierre's model work
Once everything is in place, switch to OpenGL Shaders and toggle models, and Pierre should be in full low-poly three dimensions!
It's been an entire year since Pierre was released to the message board! Sitting at 3,432 Downloads at the time of writing this, I thought it warranted celebration

I had been kicking around the idea of updating Pierre graphically for a little while and as the date was approaching, I picked up some of the project I had already worked on and threw everything together. Now Pierre most notably has a bit of a graphical face lift, and a more vibrant tail

It's not an absolute overhaul, but it's an overhaul i'm proud of, and think is much more striking and appealing than the versions before it
I will continue to work on additional sprites for him, as well as playing with some offsets if they need it. I just wanted to get this out at a decent time before the day was over!

So I hope you enjoy Pierre's new look, and have some fun revisiting him. Thank you for all the support <3

-Nearly every sprite has been updated with new heads and tails among other changes
-Pierre is one year older!
I left in a console print command accidentally from when I was testing Pierre's "underwater" state being tested
This is now fixed!
-The power of Twirl Thok has been reduced while underwater
-Very minor buff to the Twirl Thok, might be prone to change
-Pierre can no longer hit the ground rolling after a Twirl Thok
-Changed a couple internal values. Hopefully he plays nice with other characters in Multiplayer that ran into issues before
-Added compatibility with Kirby! Pierre grants them the power of Wind Kirby (Thank you Apollyon for these changes, and a couple others too!! )
-Refined offsets for running and walking sprites (Thanks to RalphJeremy for these changes!)
Fixed a bug where Pierre's special moves didn't function properly in Multiplayer. Now the peacock is accessible with friends!