My favorite recolor of all times S2
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Considering I haven't rated this mod in its earlier versions, I've decided to take that opportunity and I mean right now. So here's the list of each of them split.


It's awesome that Mint's abilities have grown better lately (and some removed), while keeping her as an "AmyDroid". The Spin Launch is a great primary ability. And can be useful in most cases. Simliar to the Triple Dash from Extra Life. The Burst Stomp is practically a perfect stomp ability, although when using it with the Spin Launch, you go downwards? That's really an interesting side twist. Probably useful for tight paths that are for spin characters only. The Slope Launch is probably my favorite over the two. It's ability is to launch you when you jump off a slope. Which it's a pretty nice for people who want some extra height in the air.



Considering that these are just Amy's sprites from the game. I don't mind having them be here, but could've also been redesign (and I know you answered this from skeletondome). Although, they're some custom sprites here and there (including the taunt). Which it's at least great you decided to make some custom sprites instead of none. And it stands out from her just being an "AmyDroid" in general. But the CSS Art is really good, DarkShade did an absolute good job on this.



At the end of the day. Mint is just an "AmyDroid" by any means, she's truly a fun character to play around during speedruns, playing the whole vanilla game (or a modded level pack), and multiplayer servers. Her abilities are interesting, although Spin Launch and Slope Launch have the same "launch" in their name. Maybe seperate the name with "Boost" rather than "Launch" but it's your choice. I'll just give it a 4 stars for now, you did a great job though. But it's just you need to change a few minor things.
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epoc mod
five stars!
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Every part of this mod is finely crafted and polished to a shine. From outside appearances, it looks like the sort of over-ambitious spectacle you'd see abandoned in the WIP forum from a young teen who just opened SLADE for the first time. In practice, though, it's a brilliantly-made sugar rush that weaves its many parts into a unified whole.

The moveset is relatively expansive, and yet so intuitive that one hardly notices. While automated sprite squash and stretch often tweaks my nerves, the way it's executed here is just subtle enough to make it work wonders. And, of course, the extra small things, like the ledge climb and victory animation, are always appreciated, and help to round out an already-great character. Admittedly, the victory animation and taunt don't quite help the indistinct personality - unique sprites could certainly help with that, and perhaps elevate this mod from great to legendary.

Mint doesn't bring too much new to the table, but she does what she does brilliantly, and is a delight to play from start to finish.
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This is a very cool mod, I was wondering if I would be able to use this character to make my character because I know very little on how to make a character. But it's an amazing mod
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This is a REALLY fun character to mess around with, the height burst when you jump off of a ramp at the right time feels so satisfying to pull off

I do hope you'll give her an original design someday though, the only thing really holding her back is the fact she's just blue Amy :'>
thanks, i would like to give mint a redesign, but i'm not exactly artistically skilled like that. however if someone ends up drawing one someday i'd be interested
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9/10. Not joking, this is one of my favorite SRB2 characters. And it's pretty fun to speedrun. Only issue is, model is just Amy with minimal changes. Still, pretty cool.
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mint is funny >:D, great mod
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10/10 peak mod :)
This mod feel so sonic x lol
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I just miss an easy way to use the drop dash and a taunt because... Why not?
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i dont really like some of the rebinds from the beta version feels weird to do a stomp now, it'd be cool if the dance thing didnt appear on the chat after you wrote it like most mods do and it still crashes on ringslinger
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this mod was a blast to play through and the funniest thing is that this is an amy recolour and recolours are... fine but mint really changed my perspective
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it's a recolor of amy HOW IS IT THIS GOOD!?!? but yeah. it's really cool. I love it!
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Haven't tried 2.0.1 yyet but 1.0.1 was legitimately my favorite character to play as. this characters awesome and i thank you for making it
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Just an amy recolor... However she's really fun to play as and it really makes up for the sprites
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even though i have not tried it yet i think it is outstanding for you to make a mod of yourself but still take my 5 stars it is a sure pleasure to have YOU as a mod
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This is the best mod of all time because it is so awesomes
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inconsistent abilities, these abilities can actually ruin your momentum, and these abilities are too linear.

also warning this creator isnt up for feedback so dont expect any improvement from his works (this is a personal interaction from me and other people)
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It may be a sonic recolor but the multiple abilities make up for it
nice job
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Just because the abilities are different, doesn't stop this from being yet another recolor mod.

Most of the abilities are just "jump, but different". Just different jump variants. You also tacked on a boost cause why not, even tho it totally doesn't fit Amy. This has the same problem as people tacking dash mode on their characters and thinking it'll fit their movesets.

Overall, not a fan. My recommendations? Original sprites, obviously. Also, maybe just change all the jumps to a standard spin jump, but while you're in the air, you can hold it to get a higher double jump. Finally, this character doesn't need a boost (or even dash mode). Not every character needs to be a speedy type.
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