Jug's Speed Utilities (AKA Boost Queueing & Additive Mini-Turbos)

[Open Assets] Jug's Speed Utilities (AKA Boost Queueing & Additive Mini-Turbos) 1.3.5

  • Small change done to prevent desyncs.
For hosts who run 1.3.5_indev: no need to update if you got it, it's exactly the same file as this. I just forgot to update this addon for the longest time...

  • Did another tweak that should prevent desyncs.
  • Fixed Speed Pad Storing not showing up in Hostmod's scoreboard when it was enabled.
  • Various changes under the hood that should prevent desyncs from happening at the start of levels.
  • Fixed a bug with FoF speed pads/zippers not being possible to store from when Speed Pad Storing is enabled.
Thanks Fayt for reporting this bug to me!

  • Fixed a small Lua error with speed pad drift storing. Thanks to Darkibenji for reporting this.
Boost Queueing & Additive Miniturbos has now been renamed to "Jug's Speed Utilities". This is due to the introduction of a new feature: Speed Pad Storing! (Also it makes the name too long otherwise)


Introducing the following additions:
  • "sps_enable" (Speed Pad Storing), default On. Enables drift storing off of speed pads (vanilla behavior removes your drift and sparks).
  • Fixed an exploit related to Additive Miniturbos (vague patch note just in case).
  • Renamed "bqam_debug" to "jsu_debug", behaves the same otherwise.
  • bq_burstdisable: Fixed miniturbos appearing at the end of Acrobatics' Burst effects.
Thanks Darkybenji for reporting this bug.
This update adds the following minor additions:
  • "bq_burstdisable" and "am_burstdisable", default On. Meant as interoperability for Acrobatics, since the Burst trickstyle has its own miniturbo and stacking systems that conflict directly with this addon - now Burst Queueing and Additive Miniturbos are disabled by default on players under the effects of a Burst trick. These tweaks can be disabled for infinite Burst duration madness.
  • Added "am_applymultafterfirst", default On (although still disabled if am_mtaddmult is non-1.0). Makes it so the miniturbo multiplier only applies under the effects of a miniturbo - for example, if am_mtaddmult is set to 2.0, and a player releases a blue miniturbo, it will be the default value, but if the player releases a red miniturbo, then a blue miniturbo, the blue MT will have a similar albeit shorter length to the red one. If you love snaking shenanigans or CTR-style drifting, this will be a really cool tweak for you to play with.
  • Made damage checks slightly more robust, to prevent players from sliding off from a stored miniturbo.
  • Added "bqam_debug", default Off, for "helpful" debug.
Thanks Pwum and Darkybenji for reporting the Burst bug!

  • Now bq_enable and am_enable are on by default, due to reviews/my own oversight/people not knowing it had to be turned on first. oops!
Also worth sharing: if you run this with Acrobatics on, you might want to disable additive mini-turbos ("am_enable off"), due to Acrobatics also running its own system that extends mini-turbo durations.

Have fun!