Intro inspired paper sprite peelout animation

[Open Assets] Intro inspired paper sprite peelout animation 1.4/CD 1.4.1

the mod is really good but is there a way to perform a peelout without going into dash mod like in sonic cd??? like a button or something?
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wow, increible un mod muy bueno
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I've been waiting for this ever since 2.2.4 and WOW, the wait was worth it, it looks amazing!
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Ok, I want you to forget the review I posted before, this looks AWSOME!!
Even though sonic still has 2 peelout animations on both legs I like how you moved it a bit and it has the third dimension now so keep up the great work.
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I Need a little help about switching the sprites name,because when i load it with the sprite switched,game crash,so how i can fix this error using this peel out?
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I Honestly like this one better, Good work!
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This mod is pretty good, I love it! I like how you nerfed the thok, it isn't powerful but is still strong enough to take sharp turn while keeping it. My only problem is when you reach max of the dash mode when the hologram appears, it doesn't show the peelout legs. Otherwise this is a great mod!
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I really like this mod, especially because some characters are compatible with it. But, I wish there was a toggle to disable dashmode, and have the peelout be shown when traveling fast enough like Pointy Sonic that way I can still use this with momentum mods without my speed getting cracked out.
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I love it but if I were to make a request can you have a version without the extra speed and just the visual so I can play with it with the Xmomentum mod?
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i recently started playing the game again, and because of my love for the peel-out, i downloaded this. as much as i love how it looks, i just wish that there would be a version of this where both hands are in the back instead of one in the back and the other on the chest.
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this is great! the peelout is my favorite moves in sonic history. but can you make it compatible with 3d models?
Upvote 3
Very cool of a mod, but the problem I have with it is that every time I use it on SRB2 Uncapped, there's another layer sprite with the dash effect
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As a guy that has always loved this Style of Sonic this hit me a in a very special place. I love how smooth the animation is, and it being thicker makes it so much better(that sounded wrong). Really loving it.
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this is a really cool mod, but it seems to nerf the thok which i dont really like all too much.
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After seeing the update, now it looks REALLY good! It's really got that extra third dimension now, and I really dig it!
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This looks really cool! my only problem with this is that sonic has both legs doing the peelout, I feel like it would make more sense to just have one peelout animation in the middle of where his 2 legs would be, take pointy sonic for example as his legs combine to make the peelout
Eh, everyone has their own interpretation of what the peelout could look like in 3D. I myself took inspiration from Sonic Utopia's take on it. I hope you understand.
Upvote 1
This is going to be very handy! Looks pretty cool, gonna try adding it to a certain project and tweaking it a bit. Nice work, mate.
Upvote 2
I actually think this looks pretty cool, but I wonder if there's a way to help increase the width of it so the paperness of the legs don't make it feel so thin when looked at from behind. Perhaps if he had a second pair of papersprites right next to the first pair? Might be worth experimenting with.
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