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    • Lux_Legend reacted to marievpyre's update for resource [Open Assets] Momentum+ with Cool! Cool!.
      The mod is now compatible with Tangle, Whisper, and Surge.
    • Lux_Legend reacted to marievpyre's update for resource [Open Assets] Momentum+ with Cool! Cool!.
      Fixed a bug with Adventure Sonic's Spam Dash.
    • Lux_Legend reacted to romoney5's update for resource [Open Assets] Air Acceleration with Cool! Cool!.
      This time, I fixed an issue where in the OLDC, switching skins to someone else will make you go superspeed, and a similar effect would...
    • i still have this issue in some oldc stages, its fine everywhere else tho
    • Lux_Legend reacted to Jayjay456's post in the thread [Open Assets] Air Acceleration with Cool! Cool!.
      There are some levels(Like the OLDC's where it messes up and gives you TOO MUCH control) I saw this happen in the OLDC 4 a couple of times.
    • Lux_Legend replied to the thread X Sonic.
      That is pretty much the biggest issue with this mod as a whole, although some people would call this argument invalid due to that level...
    • Lux_Legend reacted to ProfessionalHater's post in the thread X Sonic with Cool! Cool!.
      Just beat azure temple with this mod. Worst experience in my whole life, seriously, i'd rather drink a pint of vanilla extract than have...
    • Lux_Legend reviewed the resource X Sonic.
      Man yall weren't kidding when u guys said u were gonna shadow drop it, great mod tho 10/10 no issues.
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