Well, this update was long overdue... How long has it been since the last update... Good grief!! July 23th last year?! Well then, after being occupied with many other projects, burnouts and a lot of procrastination. The update is finally here! Tenshi Hinanawi and Aya Shameimaru enters the race!! ....Again?
Yeah once again these are characters who someone else has already made a racer out of in the past. But since the two are favourites of mine just behind Meiling, I wanted to add my own lil' twist to them. As such, they brought with them custom Karts! Aya brought with her a Vespa and Tenshi brought with her a Big Rock! ...It makes sense in context, trust me.
Hope you'll enjoy this update. Next update might take a while again, as the current plans are to rework some older ones rather than adding new characters. But a new character might crop up, so who knows.
Thank you all for the support over the years!
Almost forgot! In preparation for the next update... a new file is included. "FleskCharsPack_Misc".
It includes support for Indev's Character Dub API mod! A dub for Hong Meiling that gives her voice lines from Touhou LostWord instead.
And a Kartmaker template for Aya's Moped for those who wanna use it for themselves! Read the Readme in the files for more information.
Credits to fickleheart for the original Kartmaker template.
Yuuka and Suika has been updated as well!
Yuuka got a new Gloat voice line. I kinda found the old one a bit too unfitting, so I changed it to this new one. Hope you'll like it.
Suika's Goalpost sprite got updated to include her wrist... thingies? that I accidentally excluded in the previous update. Whoops.
Thank you for everything once again! See you in the next update!
Yup, it's her! Suika Ibuki now joins SRB2Kart! Lots of procrastination was had, but she's finally done. Again, was intended as a two-characters-in-one package, but decided to release Suika first. Expect a few more Touhous in the future. Suika is a bit of a quirky fellow, especially on the road. Don't try some of her shenanigans at home.
-Yuuka is now two pixels shorter after some feedback of her looking a tad bit too lanky/tall.
Reisen, Tewi and Yuuka has been updated as well!
-Fixed an issue with both Reisen and Tewi where they would not shake while drifting. Marisa got the same issue as well. However, I'm keeping that on her since she's on a hovering vehicle.
That's all for now. Thank you very much for the support for this character pack and look forward for more Touhous and others in the nearby future.
Originally planned to be a two-character-in-one-update, but next one may take a little longer. So the next character is being posted for now, Kazami Yuuka! The flower youkai that is known for being very powerful, but not exactly speedy.
Check her out!
No updates on previous characters for now, but errors are noticed and will be fixed next update.
Reusability is updated though! Feel free to modify the pack for your karting needs. Especially if you are a server owner. Still at least credit me though if you wanna use the sprites outside of Kart...
It's a few days past Easter now, but it doesn't matter. Since two more bnuuys has entered SRB2Kart.... Reisen Udongein Inaba and Inaba Tewi! Both are quite light on theirs feet, do give them a try!
No further updates to the previous characters this time.
Expect more Touhous to come, though next time I may mix it up a little bit.
Another Touhou, Marisa Kirisame enters the race, bringing her broom with her this time around!! She's fast, but extremely light due to her broom. Get her before she runs off with her loot!
Alongside her... A little bonus is included. Reimu, based on the Walfas design of her as a low-quality, low-effort edition. Average speed and low weight. Burn everything.
The sprites for Marisa's Broom are also being included, free to use, reuse and modify. Let your favourites riding around on brooms as well!
Additionally, Hong Meiling and Aru has been updated as well!
Hong Meiling 1.3 & Aru 1.1:
Both gotten minor sprite fixes... as I figured out what the transparent part of the wheels on kartmaker was used for.... Oops.
With a new character coming along, it's time to introduce everyone to the Flesk Chars Pack! ...Creative name, I'm sure.
Anyways, included in this pack is now not only the previously released Hong Meiling, but now Aru, the bunny girl Santa of 100% Orange Juice fame.
Now that Christmas is approaching, and Year of the Rabbit is in the month afterwards... There's no better opportunity for Aru to give it her all on the racetracks to deliver even more presents! ...Somehow.
Additionally, Hong Meiling has been updated to Version 1.2.
-Filled in the transparent parts of her Select icon to stay accurate to everyone else.
- Changed the gfx_prefix as it was causing some issues. (Whoops.)
- Changed the sprite and voice names to fix some conflicts as well.
- Special thanks to X.organic for pointing out the errors and assisting with fixing them.