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FinalDemo Sonic escapes from the final demo era!


Custom 1 (Hold): Homing Attack


Custom 2 (Hold): Light Dash

Mapped the super transformation button to jump, just like the finaldemos
Recreated the physics (by watching yt videos), just like the finaldemos
Added the multithok, just like the finaldemos
Added the super music just like the finalde- yeah i think you get the idea

  • Cool!
Reactions: Jsmoothie
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502.1 KB
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ssnsonic with sa example abilites???
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I like spamming thoks with him :)
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i like how you took the abilities from sa example from the final demo era, cool mod
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Who would even think making this would be fun, It's just the SSNSonic with the stuff from v1.01, like there isn't even effort at all. Atleast a bit, since it's a port. But it's kinda bland to have the SSN Sprites, for once.
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Nice I Worked On This Mod,This Sure Was Fun To Make
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Welcome to releases!
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