I like it, it's simple yet complicated at the same time.
the thok variant and the triple jump flight ability make for a unique take on a moveset.
Upvote 1
I've always liked Feels design, but i never really understood how his mechanic would work/be fun, but this was really fun!
Upvote 0
a good mod for what it is but it is lacking like why cant i grab enemys with my ears i hope there will be a updated version coming into the future to further ad d to this experience
Upvote 0
i dont know what feels drank last update (v2) but damn he sure got faster its a welcomed addition tho but i am sorry to say that i dont get the references
Upvote 0
It would be perfect with an alt that had the actual design. (With the blue fur and yellow bow and classic shoes.) His move set and everything else is great.
Upvote 0
Honestly a very good mod, it's a mix of Tails' fly, and Sonic's thok, and Mario's triple jump, which are all abilities I'm quite the fan of.
He's got potential to do some wild tricks, and definitely has speedrun potential. A very unpopular mod, but a very good one. I rate it a 10/10.
Just a quick disclaimer, when you begin the game as feels, a lua file relating to the HUD will spit an error out. This seems to have no effect on the character, or HUD, itself, but it might be a bit annoying every time. No points taken off, the mod is 2 years old.
I'd recommend Feels The Rabbit to the entire SRB2 community if I could.
if feels has 100 fans, i am one of them, if there is only one feels fan, it is me, if there is no feels fans... i've left srb2 for whatever reason
tl;dr: feels good character, play it!
Upvote 0
It's a very good, mod, but a character shouldn't have 3 abilities all within one ability it's super hard to control, like the flight could of been a double jump, not connected to the triple jump, and plus the abilities, are boring and is not new.
Upvote 0
The legend returns, people! I haven't been able to rate this as of yet, even when it's been years, but now, since my SRB2 isn't fucking up again, I can finally say what I have to!
Really stays close enough to the original design. And he fits in with the SRB2 cast almost perfectly! Though his CSS could use a bit of polishing if you wanted that feel. But it's really nice!
2: Gameplay
Honestly a very intriguing playstyle. I like the combination style, reminds me of Skip. They mesh together very well, and it gives it a sense of staying in character. This seems very much like a Feels-like thing to do!
3: Errors
None! I don't think I need to explain this, but there's no errors whatsoever!!!
4: Extras
The support meshes well, the skin-colors are a really nice touch... I think this is awesome!
5: Summary
Awesome mod. No wonder it's being used after 2 years! Congrats to you, my friend!
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