I'll just keep this short. The bosses themselves are alright, but their main problem is that they aren't really fun to play, especially with the strategies involved.
For Boss 1 you just have to wait for the cannons to prepare but not shoot (by hiding behind the small walls or just being far away), go up the red springs, thok the boss, get out, and that's just it.
The other is a bit more variety, but there's a really easy trick you can do to finish it MUCH quicker than the first boss. Simply damage boost yourself into the cockpit and start bashing that egg up while damage boosting and collecting rings through. The cockpit's walls are actually high enough to keep you safe from the cannons to the sides, making it so that you can finish the boss in roughly 25 seconds. It's also sometimes frustrating to get to the capsule because the cannons have a bit of a long range to hit you and can hit you because of that, I'd probably advise destroying them when the boss is defeated.
Overall, 3 stars. Good, but needs some touch-ups to strategy and some fool-proofing if it's planned.