Elfilin - Friend from the Forgotten Land

Elfilin - Friend from the Forgotten Land 1.1

This character's setup is actually really neat. I hope someone makes bandana waddle dee next! Great job! :D
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it's best but u can control bot!?
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I like their main playstyle; floatiness and portals go together really well, and gives you a lot to experiment with when you're on your own.

I really want to like the Coop abilities, but they ended up being really boring. Giving a full 20 second timed strong powerup on a basic cooldown is simply lame, you mostly just buff the player as often as you're allowed to and forget about it. I'd much prefer shorter buffs that only drain the meter as you use it, because it'd open up for more strategy and make the Elfilin player pay attention.

Still, the fact that there's any Coop functionality means I'll probably continue to use this character whenever I play.
Charyb actually mentioned something similar right before release, and while I do agree that could probably be more interesting, at that point I just wanted to release the mod LOL
i'm definitely considering reworking the buffs in an update, it's just that i kinda need a bit of a break after having worked on this for around a year and a half. btw, did you use the jump/spin co-op abilities at all? people don't tend to immediately know those are a thing, so i'm probably gonna need to try to add some more indication they're a thing in the future. really, the jump & spin stuff is the main thing with elfilin assist, the buffs are kinda just secondary.
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this mod is very cool, but there is one problem that must be fixed, and that is efelins's voice cilps, they are very annoying to hear every 5 seconds when playing in net game. you should consider adding a function of some sort to get rid of the voice clips. the words of encouragement are good tho, keep those, because they made me open my third eye and now i see the world in a new way, and i now know things i have never knew before.

any ways that is the review.

10 kirbys out of 8 dededes
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IT'S FINALLY OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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this is awesome!!! at first i had gripes with the bounciness but i've come to see its potential and necessity. messing with the portals is really fun!

my only issue is admittedly a bit of a nitpick, and it's the fact that the spear's hitbox is... well, it's a *LOT* bigger than the actual spear. makes it feel a little cheap to hit things with it, especially in boss fights. I understand it not being 1 to 1 with the sprite, of course! I just feel the size of the hitbox completely shatters the illusion of the spear itself damaging things.
I understand why you dislike the hitbox size, it's just that previously it was incredibly annoying to actually hit anything as elfilin so I increased the size just as an anti-frustration measure. I may end up slightly lowering it in a patch someday though if this ends up being a consistent complaint people have.
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Eliflin and Kirby will never be forgotten
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On a serious note, this is really fun to play around with! I wonder if there's any netgames with him in it! It would be hilarious to see him team up with Pixie teaming up with another player lmao. I should stop using proper grammar but I'm the grammar police so I can't, sorry for the essay.
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A really fun to play character in both singleplayer and multiplayer.

Both abilities take a little getting used to, but do flow well together, and the co-op abilities, if used properly, can allow a tag team to destroy a level.

My only real complaint is the lack of a way to enter a normal stand state at will (you have to wait a couple seconds before Elfilin falls asleep) Having Elfilin enter a walk state when pressing c2 (or even just having it make you fall asleep immediately) could make it much easier to trigger floor touch sectors.
Otherwise, well done.
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amazing as usual
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This mod is awesome, but, sometimes the double jump doesnt work after going off a ramp, i would guess it would be because of the passive float, which i really like to be fair, though it has caused me to lose some record attack runs

also, the camera in record attack is for some reason REALLY zoomed in record attack
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Love the way Elfilin works! 10/10
(I just hope the passive doesn't break buddy EX)
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best mod of all time so good very good
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