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This is the 2.2 port of Drop Dash by Sapheros.
"So following the reveal of Sonic Mania in 2016 there were MULTIPLE attempts to recreate the drop dash in SRB2. Saturn's Drop Dash, Hatninja's Drop Dash, Rumia's Drop Dash, and even Lat's unreleased Drop Dash script that you probably never heard of. Well with a lot of tinkering about with ideas from ALL of these scripts, combined with the release of Sonic Mania for the best reference possible, this is Sonic Mania's Drop Dash." - Sapheros, Tuesday, December 19, 2017
This ability can be a little tricky to get working correctly, similar to the actual game. You have to release the jump button while jumping, and press it again, holding it until the animation plays, then you need to keep holding it until you hit the ground, where the drop dash will thrust you forward. keep in mind the ability won't work if you try to do it twice, and also, that there is a little delay before the ability works like you expect it to.
This Drop Dash is highly dependent on your speed, the faster you are, the faster the drop dash will thrust you forward, however it is capped at around 60*FRACUNIT. (70*FRACUNIT in Super Form.) This mod is also compatible with any momentum mod to cope with its own physics modifications.
"So following the reveal of Sonic Mania in 2016 there were MULTIPLE attempts to recreate the drop dash in SRB2. Saturn's Drop Dash, Hatninja's Drop Dash, Rumia's Drop Dash, and even Lat's unreleased Drop Dash script that you probably never heard of. Well with a lot of tinkering about with ideas from ALL of these scripts, combined with the release of Sonic Mania for the best reference possible, this is Sonic Mania's Drop Dash." - Sapheros, Tuesday, December 19, 2017
This ability can be a little tricky to get working correctly, similar to the actual game. You have to release the jump button while jumping, and press it again, holding it until the animation plays, then you need to keep holding it until you hit the ground, where the drop dash will thrust you forward. keep in mind the ability won't work if you try to do it twice, and also, that there is a little delay before the ability works like you expect it to.
This Drop Dash is highly dependent on your speed, the faster you are, the faster the drop dash will thrust you forward, however it is capped at around 60*FRACUNIT. (70*FRACUNIT in Super Form.) This mod is also compatible with any momentum mod to cope with its own physics modifications.
[Open Assets] - The Momentum Mod
Script which preserves the player's momentum on the ground. In addition, some characters have had certain speed restrictions tweaked or removed. Changes include: Players can now run beyond their normal movespeed if carrying momentum from a...
[Open Assets] - Classic-Based Physics Changes
This addon aims to recreate the classic feel of the original Sonic the Hedgehog quadrilogy & Mania by increasing the gravity and jump height of the players. Physics changes in detail: Two Downloads? Classic Based Physics is the version...
Classic.wad: Classic Physics and Animations Recreated in SRB2!
Do you like the classic Sonic quadrilogy? Do feel like you're walking down that giant slope in GFZ2? Do you hate having to wait what seems like an eternity while charging a spindash? Do you still just hate Sonic the Hedgehog in race and want him nerfed? Well Classic.wad is back and may be the...
Slow Super Glow
This is the Slow version of the Super Glow, A simple script that makes the Super Glow much easier on the eyes by making it blinking way less faster, and going from a light shade to a dark one progressively and vice versa, pretty much like Sonic 2...
[Open Assets] - Sonic Mania HUD
Just a simple mod that changes the HUD to look more like Sonic Mania's, while not completely accurate on terms of colors, it's good enough to be put on netgames, I mean I always use it for netgames so it's probably good enough. I don't see any...
DirkTheHusky - Drop Dash Sprites
Sapheros - Drop Dash Lua Script
If you don't like it being a jump ability, you're free to edit it yourself. Go on! Make it a Custom Button ability if you want!
DirkTheHusky - Drop Dash Sprites
Sapheros - Drop Dash Lua Script
If you don't like it being a jump ability, you're free to edit it yourself. Go on! Make it a Custom Button ability if you want!