
DeltaChars v1.1

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Absolutely a fun mod. Played through the entire single player campaign in one session with this and might do it again!
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I can certainly say that this is officially my character of the year, it's so much fun to use that I probably won't use any other characters after these (maybe).
A must try character for sure, maybe a bit too overpowered if you go all-in with Susie, but fun as a result.
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My new favorite mod, Dear GOD do I love this.
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SRB2 characters and what I'll dub myself "Third Party" characters (the ones who aren't Sonic ones or Sonic-related OCs) don't mix well at all. When I see characters I like from a series that isn't Sonic and happens to be a fully playable character, I'm often left disappointed when they end up being mediocre or at worse fustratingly unplayable. But I have been proven wrong with mods such as Kanade, Kiryu, Di GI Karat, and Plague Knight.

When I heard talks of a Deltarune mod I kept my expectations extremely low since even well-developed or good-looking mods can end up being mediocre. But this, this blew me out of the fucking water. It actually blew my mind with how well it was developed. Everyone is in character, everyone plays extremely well (besides some EXTREMELY small nitpicks *cough cough Susie's basic jump*), and dear god was it worth the year (or was it two years?) wait.

I don't want to bore everyone with my experience with each character (and to keep spoilers to a minimum since I have to write my thoughts down NOW). This has to be one of my top 3 favorite mods ever, not the #1 spot but definitely in my top 3.

If you haven't played this please do so. The character switching, secrets, etcetera are so worth it.

I would love to see more playable characters, or even just one more since I can definitely wait another year for them to come out.

Thank you DrStephen!
-signed Berdly's #1 fan
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69420/10 i like deltarune
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the Delta Friends in srb2, the beginning of a new adventure in a new dark world!!!1!!1!!1!1!1!!!!!!!11!!!!
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For every 1 awesome af character mod that comes out, there are like, 5 several mediocre to bad ones to release too. I'm happy to say that this is yet another awesome character mod, and a character pack, nonetheless!

I love the sprite work, as always, you never cease to amaze me with your sprite work for mods like Skip and Jana (can't wait for the next StephCharsOC update btw!) All the Deltarune character designs translated well into SRB2's style. The trio are expressive and none of their animations feel stiff, unfinished, edited from Sonic, or anything like that. Hoping to see a Noelle "DLC" or something later in the future. I could imagine her using her IceShock as a double jump that also freezes nearby enemies, or Snowgrave causing a screen nuke if you have 25 rings, or whatever creative thing you could think of, if you were to make her playable.

All the characters flow really well too, say, except for Ralsei. My only problem with Ralsei is that I wish I could cancel his scarf twirl whenever. I also wish the twirl could carry his momentum instead of slowing you down at a snail's pace. The slowdown makes me actively not wanna use the ability unless I'm super (or hyper using XMod).

Speaking of being super, I know you didn't feel like doing anything extra for the characters, but I kinda wish you did. It's pretty pointless to grab the chaos emeralds and they don't give you any benefits besides the typical speed and jump height increase. I'm sure you could've snuck in some lore stuff when transforming. Maybe they used the power of the Shadow Crystal or something and now they each have a new ability. Even something small like increasing their animation speed, attack time, and doing double damage would be nice.

Overall, yet another awesome mod from you! As a mega Undertale and Deltarune nerd, I've been anticipating this release for a while and I'm happy to say that I'm satisfied. Keep it up with the releases.
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the team is really fun to play with when you know what you're doing, the on the fly char switching is really nice since that represents how they each take turns during battle in deltarune itself, 5/5, 10 cap'n crunches out of 1 dollar, 10 susies out of 10 chalks
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Well while we wait
Update of StephChars and Deltarune chapter ³.

It's just funny™
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holy peak????????
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Okay so. I just finished the single player campaign and let me just say I AM AMAZED AT HOW GOOD THE GAMEPLAY FELT. I can't go into details without spoiling but all I can say is that I had an amazing experience. Not much can be said because well I'd have to spoil it but I believe this is definitely worth checking out. The amount of time and detail put into this masterpiece fills me with awe. If you haven't played Srb2 with Deltachars yet, you are missing out. SO TRY IT NOW XD
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Two Words: Awesome Characters
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also there is a secret text from using commands that i just love, not gonna say how, but its perfect
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Great mod, only complaint is that kris and susie can't continue attacking in the air after using their slashes (and that kris cant slash with spin but that's whatever)
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i played Chapter 1 but sadly not until to Chapter 2 yet... , although i can definitely see why they are fun to play , not only beacuse of Deltarune itself but also the happy mood they give for playing as them , nice work! it was worth the wait!
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The best representation of the Fun Gang in Sonic Robo Blast 2 I've ever played myself! Even the dialogue got to me plenty of times during the main adventure.
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Singleplayer exclusives, amazing abilities. Good text system.

It's not just the features and abilities that are amazing.

It's the fucking compatibility. These people went out of their way to make everything on the mod editable without editing the mod itself. Everything is fucking global.

Please future modders, if you're gonna leave your character unreusable, allow modders to edit everything without touching the mod at all.
If you don't do what deltachars did, your mod will be so fucking boring because nobody just wants to play coop.
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I have no words, this is absurdly impressive, Steph's mods always hit hard.
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