Cosmic Metal Sonic (Cosmetal)

Cosmic Metal Sonic (Cosmetal) v2.1.1

I changed the code so that instead of just drawing a bossbar when a boss exists, it now checks to see if the player is within a certain distance of the boss.
Thanks to a post that MadBox has left here, I've made Cosmetal's dashmode slower. From 2.5x normalspeed to 1.5x normalspeed in dashmode.
So, some changes:
  • The whole Metallic line has been changed to Metallix.
  • Cosmetal's oppostite colour is now Crimson.
  • Some sprites have been changed and some were removed from the Super Form because they weren't needed.
  • Life HUD has been changed to be more like vanilla's (drawing the STLIVEX patch instead of letter x and draws an infinity icon when you have infinite lives (e.g. when you're playing ULDC)) and doesn't draw when you're playing OLDC (if it did before).
  • Trick Failure sprites should work now (if they don't I'll need to change it again.)