Hesitant to put life-sharing because it don't let margin to intermediate players even if helping less good ones ? If it's the case BetterSharing is for you.
This script add basic sharing functions and a revamped “avoid gameover” behavior allowing to manually give lives to others players and keep a few ones when someone got a game over.
Variables :
Ironically you need to disable vanilla life-sharing or the new behavior will be ineffective.
This script add basic sharing functions and a revamped “avoid gameover” behavior allowing to manually give lives to others players and keep a few ones when someone got a game over.
Variables :
- minlives : Set the number of lives needed to automatically give one.
- givelives <player> <amount> : Give lives to a player.
v1.1 :
- Play the sfx when get lives
- Fixed no respawn when get life while dead
- Fixed no respawn when get life while dead