New map : THE HELL (race version)

Update :
- SpacePinball : Fixed wall that are sometime both open.
- Nerfed some Warp Zone, they aren't supposed to be faster, the only exception is The Hell because this is is very hard to take it.
- The Rapture : Rocket SHOULD hurt you now. Nerf the vision range of the Rocket Launcher. Reduced decoration for better performance. Fixed a respawn softlock.
- OXDEADBEEF : Rapture session should be a tiny easier now.
- Crygor lab : Has receive a lot of minor change to layout spacing. The 2nd path (top road) has been inproved. The Hole of the toilet is bigger. Added speed pad after the warp so you no longer bonk wall.
- Wario's chanlenge : SPB box couldown increased.


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The following level : The forest / The Hospital / TetanusVille / The rapture.... got a new secret warp zone. Will you be able to find them?
Those 4 level also now have a special sound effect when you finish the race.

The Rapture has a new session with Rocket launcher trap to avoid. This is now a 2 lap map. Added more decoration. Added an Encore palette. Changed the encore music.

Tetanus Ville : Nerfed the first cut by adding spike at the end. It still powerfulll with a single boost tho.

The hospital : Fixed the background in software, it should be a silhouette now

The forest (lil Slugger) : moved back a tiny the 3 last saw.

The saw has now black outline, making them easier to see in some area (mostly rapture map)

Space Pinball : Added text notification and PizzaFace laugh when the path are switching. Added an Encore palette.
New map :
- Crygor lab.

Rework :
Tetanus Ville : This is now a sprint map, two new session has been added. Some old session has been tweeked here and there. I reworked it, because it was too long for 2 lap, and too short for 1 lap. Music has been changed to the guitar version.

Update / fix :
- Little Slugger : Visual change . Replaced the 2 last pillar by saw.
- The Hospital : The broken Glass hasard (blue floor outside) is now an heavy off-road and no longer hurt you. Added encore palette
- The Lab : Has been moved to hell only. Because it has an high chance to crash server with a big lobby (at leat on my server). Also, this map is really unballanced with the special gimmik.
- Oxadeadbeef : The map is now even more "glitched" , and a "rapture" session ahs been added.
- Jimmy T nightclub : 2ndd cut has been removed. Minor visual change
- Wario chalenge : Fixed the last mini game of the slot 5 /6 / 7 / 8 . The door was already open and player could skip it.
  • Cool!
Reactions: Dragon Breath
New Battle map :
-Added Remoat Stadium.

Change / Fix :
- Jimmy T map : Made the 2nd cut more punitif if you take it without boost.
- The Rapture : Made Invisible wall at the begening, poeple shouldn't fall off now. Last item placement moved a tiny back, so poeple who take the cut won't have it.
- Battle of Lil Sluger : Made the hitbox of the slugger way smaller.
- Wario's chalenge : Fixed the starting position of player 8 and 9. Fixed missing fog in the last 4 room. Reduced by a lot the SPB coulddown. Music tempo Edited. Item can't give you boost item. The map will exit level after 3min30.
  • Cool!
Reactions: Jrc126
New maps :
-Jimmy T's Nightclub. Dance and dance and dance... but only for the first 20s before the true race start. Boost/power item are disable at the start of the race to avoid sandbagging : A lua Store the server config and reaply it 25s later. Some easter egg hidden.
- Wario's Challenge (HELL MAP) : Beat all micro game and survive the horrible parkour.

Map update :
I really don't remember what I have done. Some memecut fix and the hospital has more visual for sure.
- Fixed skybox of Fleagle air ship on software mode.
- Added one additional checkpoint at the end of Rising Underground.
- It has a ton of random fix here and there, and texture changed that I can't even remember all of them. So let's just said that it has a lot of fix.
- The Other Side : Fixed multiple memecut
- rising underground : Changed a tiny the look of the underwater section for better visibility.
- Space pinball : In lap 3, you no longer took the blue path, you come back to the green path. This is to avoid the broken 3 sneaker strat just before the secret path.

- new map added : Fleagle's Airship
I hope I won't miss anything :

Global Update:
- Fixed most of the skybox problem in software mode (I learned about it only 6 mouth after my first map, looks like I don't receive a lot of feedback)
- Fixed most of the missing/wrong texture and missplaced objects in some map here and there

New map :
- The Rapture
- The lab

Map update :
- Tetanus Ville memecut fixed
- Space Pinball sneakerless cut is now almost impossible without boost. Music loop edited. music size reduced.
- Hospital : Texture update


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- Removed Jupiter Lighhouse map, as the map is now in another pack. (golden sun map pack)

- Battle of Lil Slugger : Reduced the speed of the Lil Slugger from 60 to 35.

- The Hospital : The red ennemie are now smaller, their hitbox has been reduced. No other change.

- Tetanus Ville : During the main rail grind session, tweeked some end rail position to be more friendly.
The speed of the converer belt for the first shortcute is now a tiny faster (nerf cut)
The rail of the star cut has been made more long (nerf cut)
Forgot to edit the soc of the pack without railGrind, oops