Admin Tools Plus

Admin Tools Plus 1.2

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Admin Tools Plus is a port/fix of the old Admin Tools mod from 2.1 that can be used to give players all sorts of commands for doing things, such as giving themselves rings, giving themselves a specific type of shield in game, or giving themselves a chosen period of invulnerability.

As this addon is almost entirely derived from the old script, it functions mostly the same, however I have given it some new commands for the sake of the convenience of the player, which I will go over now:

allowgoto: This command determines if you will allow people to have the ability to use the "goto" command on you, which is essentially a teleport command. Only true or false can be inputted, the default being true.

bring: This command can only be used by admins, and it gives them the ability to teleport any player to them.

ringcheats: This command can only be used by admins, and it determines whether or not non-admin players can use ring-based commands, such as rings or lives. Only true or false can be inputted, the default being true.

shieldcheats: This command can only be used by admins, and it determines whether or not non-admin players can use shield-based commands, such as shield or flower. Only true or false can be inputted, the default being true.

abilitycheats: This command can only be used by admins, and it determines whether or not non-admin players can use ability-based commands, such as shoes or invuln. Only true or false can be inputted, the default being true.

setemeralds: This command can only be used by admins, and it can set the current emeralds of the server, and specific patterns can be inputted, such as setting the server to have all emeralds, or specficially emeralds 1, 2 and 3.

Additionally, some parts of the old script have been fixed, such as the shield command, and some parts have been modified to be compatible with 2.2, such as the super command. The script also has Sonic notify a player every time they join that they can use the adminhelp command.

I won't provide images of the addon in action, as that would be unnecessary for a mostly text based addon, however if you need help with the commands, just put adminhelp in console for a list of the commands available.

-Original Admin Tools mod by OtherChen
-Set Emeralds mod by flarn2006
Extension type
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19.7 KB
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First release
Last update

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  1. Tiny update

    All this update changes is the the super command can force characters that don't have super...
  2. 2 new commands added

    Two new commands have been added, those being: bring: a admin only command that can be used by...

Latest reviews

Of course, I understand that this is a port from the old version of the addon and so on...
But still, this is Admin Tools, which does not fit the name at all. Why? Because this Lua is more about "Cheats in Multiplayer" than just "Admin Tools". And even then, the only commands that can REALLY help moderators are: "bring" and "goto", and in rare cases "setemeralds", "kill & die" and so on.
A good example of REALLY tools for admins and moderators is "Juggy's Jug of Tools". (I will not list the features of that mod). But since this addon is not only a port, but also a FIX. It was possible to add so many commands, and even be on a par with (the same addon, I will not repeat)!
No matter how many times I created a server, I never used cheats like 9999 rings. I have always been helped by commands that mute an annoying player, or/and a useful command with a filter for bad words and so on.
But as the "Admin Tools Plus" addon, it does a very poor job, I hope in the future you will add exactly what commands to help moderators than prank with cheats.
I understand your point about how this needs to have more content put into it, but my biggest problems stopping me from doing so is, one, I can't really think of what other types of commands to add that aren't just cheats or ones to actually help admins do "admin" things, and two, trying not to add something to this that already exists in another addon, like the Juggy's tools chat filter for example. I, however will think about it in the future and try to create new commands to help admins here, so thanks for the constructive feedback.
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Time to become a discord mod in Srb2
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