X Sonic

X Sonic v1.1c

It's supposed to be accurate to the anime

and X Sonic exacerbates this by being useless in water... except for that he has a get-out-of-jail-free card move for any situation called Ring Burst.

Ring Burst was VERY unruly for me at first, probably the hardest move to control, but making him a glass canon and balancing his weakest state with a hard to use move to me was very, very satisfying. In almost every situation, as long as I've played good and kept my rings, I can get out of the worst watery situations thanks to Ring Burst. And It's given me a reason to rely on it and 'git gud' at X Sonic.
This is barring stuff like Azure Temple which is literally intended to be the hardest challenge stage. It's already very difficult to clear regardless of character so I don't think bringing it up here is a fair way to criticize X Sonic.
I wouldn't call Ring Burst a "get-out-of-jail-free card" due to it being far from free. It costs a resource that's easy to lose - which is made easier when instead of normal gameplay you're just slowly drifting down.

As for Azure Temple being unfair to criticize X Sonic - as you said, it is the hardest challenge stage. To beat a stage like this you need to be very skilled. So how come a character whose concept is to reward skilled players fails to do so? Besides, I didn't criticize him using Azure Temple. Well, I did criticize him but I did so by bringing up the points that make no sense to me when it comes to underwater gameplay. Azure Temple just happened to be the stage I found some of them on.

For instance, regardless of the stage how can you justify the fact that speed shoes do the complete opposite of speed for X Sonic? Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember a game-exclusive powerup with the function of increasing maximum speed and acceleration ever appearing in the anime.

About the "non-grounded" (for a lack of a better term) momentum being abysmal. Yes, it was in the anime. It's a gag. The anime can afford it as well as depicting water physics as being slightly closer to reality. I believe the anime also had an episode where Sonic was running in place due to being on ice, but he can run and even Zip Dash on the floor with ice physics just fine in the game. I'm saying this because I find it wrong that his underwater gameplay is basically sacrificed for a gag.

Also I forgot to bring up X Sonic being unable to use Zip Dash Leap when underwater with an Elemental/Bubble shield. I would understand it if he was unable to wall-run underwater, but why completely remove his ability to jump while going fast? He can jump just fine underwater when using Speed Shoes with Elemental/Bubble shield so why is it different for Zip Dash?
Okay, couple questions:

Firstly, what input/s do I gotta press to go Dark/Super?

Second, is this Unselectable character intentional, or is it a bug or smth?


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what input/s do I gotta press to go Dark/Super?
Hold Custom 3 and either Jump (Super) or Spin (Dark) while standing still on the ground.
is this Unselectable character intentional, or is it a bug or smth?
It's probably not intentional but it exists because of how X Sonic is made. If you open the game console (Press the "~" button) immediately after adding X Sonic you'll notice that it actually added three skins: xsonic, xsonicoverlay (the unselectable character you've shown) and xsonicserious (which is most likely semi-transformed Dark Sonic)
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Gotta s
And that excuses making gameplay a pain underwater?
ay I love this Mod so much, BUT by all means I never want to see water again after using him for a couple of days. I have war stories that we all have been through. Hell it makes me not want to run on water the punishment is way to high.
Hold Custom 3 and either Jump (Super) or Spin (Dark) while standing still on the ground.

It's probably not intentional but it exists because of how X Sonic is made. If you open the game console (Press the "~" button) immediately after adding X Sonic you'll notice that it actually added three skins: xsonic, xsonicoverlay (the unselectable character you've shown) and xsonicserious (which is most likely semi-transformed Dark Sonic)
Ah, that makes sense, tysm!
I managed to beat deep sea 1 and 2 with base form X sonic.


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Are you sure these are issues with the character mod inherently, or are you just making poor usage of him? You seem to be speaking on behalf of the... "players", but from what I can tell, there aren't too many people with the same complaints you're making. I can't even vouch for what you're saying; X Sonic seems to work just fine in the vanilla maps, you just need to know what you're doing.

He's a skilled-based character, he takes skill to use, and skill takes time and practice to build up. I didn't pick him up and run through levels perfectly right off the bat, I had to actually put in the time and effort to try and make the most of his skillset.

Either you need to practise more, or he just isn't for you, friend. I don't believe this is anything to do with poor design, frankly

Sort the reviews for this mod by most helpful. Also, as charming as "get good lol" is, it doesn't address the concerns at hand. Skill in the case of X Sonic is just memorizing and executing specific routes in order to avoid the platforming and content he struggles with. It's undeniable that in maps that aren't wide open and with a lot of room to move in, that he's effectively burdensome to control properly unless you...practice specific routes. Of course you can compensate for his shortcomings through pure repetition, however that makes the character needlessly avoid having flexibility and adaptability to 90% of content SRB2 has to offer. And at that point that's no longer the character shining, it's your memorization and time invested. People thok bounce across the maps too. I know how to use X Sonic and get the most out of him, the only problem I and a good amount of others seem to have, is that it's a very specific playstyle catered quite heavily towards veterans and people who want to beat maps as quickly as possible and that's it. Nothing wrong with that, but there's no need for that to be exclusively how to use him. He's objectively just bad in other areas. Or are you gonna somehow tell me that delayed jumping and 0-100 speed gameplay and needing big run ups during precise platforming is also a skill issue? I can see both sides of the coin, but please don't dismiss the other side just because you're not on it. Even SMS, the quintessential skip/unnecessarily fast character, can handle slow gameplay better than X Sonic. I just see no reason why he couldn't achieve both. Why does he have to be only in the most extreme of one style?

Anyways, I still love the mod. There's a lot to love. But that has already been expressed enough so please just give the reviews page a gander (sort by most helpful) and try and see the other side. I want this mod to be for everyone because I enjoy it and the creator.
@BlueBlur how does it feel to have your mod be so widely recognized, especially within the week?

(There is many more videos than the listed one, but these are the ones I found more notable)
(There is many more videos than the listed one, but these are the ones I found more notable)
Well, don't worry. I got ya covered (Again, there might be some speedrun videos on him I found, although there was two).

Ur Not Supposed To Become SMS As X Sonic Since Thats A Problem With SMS Itself And Not X Sonic Ur Not Supposed To Be Him With Any Custom Sonic In General
help for some reason i cant transform into sms as x sonic
i dont know which person to ask so i asked you and golden shine
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Unselectable Is
Okay, couple questions:

Firstly, what input/s do I gotta press to go Dark/Super?

Second, is this Unselectable character intentional, or is it a bug or smth?
Supposed To Be Super Sonic But As The Name Already Says He Is Unselectable And That Xsonic After Unselectable Is Semi-Dark Sonic They Are Not Selectable And Shouldn't Be There Like Samus Where Both Power And Varia Suited Appears

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