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    • srb2fan09 replied to the thread X sonic dark emeralds.
      Are you using only x sonic or are you using mods other than him and what i mean by that is if you enter a level mod or pack you have to...
    • srb2fan09 reacted to Rosie kitsune's post in the thread X Sonic with Cool! Cool!.
      Now that's just rude to call it a "joke character" considering this mod took 4 years to be made.
    • srb2fan09 replied to the thread X Sonic.
      Okay so i have a problem i got all the fake/dark emeralds in starshy stages and then when i reload the mod i have to get them all again.
    • srb2fan09 replied to the thread X Sonic.
      I managed to beat deep sea 1 and 2 with base form X sonic.
      • srb20000.gif
      • srb20001.gif
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      • srb20003.gif
    • srb2fan09 reacted to JustAnotherSonicFan's post in the thread X Sonic with Cool! Cool!.
    • srb2fan09 reacted to Mega's post in the thread X Sonic with Cool! Cool!.
      ooooh, that was the problem:dramahog: ty for the help!
    • srb2fan09 replied to the thread X Sonic.
      No problem
    • srb2fan09 replied to the thread X Sonic.
      Do you have all the emeralds if you do hold custom 3 and custom 1 and see if you have super time attack
    • srb2fan09 replied to the thread X Sonic.
      Super time attack is always on you can choose beetween dark fulldark super off it only works in record attack or marathon run
    • I used zerotier one but it didn't work is there something else than zerotier one that can help me
    • srb2fan09 reviewed the resource X Sonic.
      5.00 star(s) Best mod ever i love it peak and dark sonic so good
    • srb2fan09 replied to the thread X Sonic.
      You get 1 get out of the stage enter again and search for it
    • srb2fan09 reacted to Obvisley Profesorg's post in the thread X Sonic with Cool! Cool!.
      it's actually hilarious to see this as a nights 1up icon it reminds me of srb2 TGF
    • srb2fan09 reacted to Cross_2901's post in the thread Modern Sonic V5.12 with Cool! Cool!.
      I think this thread will rest for an while now that X sonic released there is not much information now that we have an window for...
    • srb2fan09 replied to the thread X Sonic.
      You can get the fake/dark emeralds in 1 stage i got half of them in greenflower act 1 and maybe 1 or 2 in act 2 of greenflower...
      • srb20000.png
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