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    • Yukari replied to the thread Silverhorn.
      Use whatever buttons/keys are bound to Custom 1 and 2 to scroll through magic modes, which are then used in the Skills menu
    • Regarding the "4th 2d enemy" in my review (since I cannot reply to reviews), there are 4 teleporters that take you to 2d sections of the...
    • 4.00 star(s) This pack really does a phenomenal job really nailing the scary/creepy/unnerving/eerie/unsettling vibe and the hangout maps are really...
    • Yukari replied to the thread Spiral Hill Pizza Hangout.
      Is there any way to disable the (rather distracting) arrow hud elements from the hangout version of the map that doesn't involve...
    • Yukari replied to the thread Sonic Adventure 2 Battle 2.2 Port.
      So, a couple questions: 1) Does anyone have a guide where all the Emeralds and Emblems are (and what characters you need to collect...
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