What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

And by the way (because I probably know what you were going to say) I've learned from my mistake; you constantly bring it up just shows that you have no real arguments.
really, I just don't care, maybe I just add a harsher tone to you idk, I should be more like the person I want to be (which isn't how I was acting)
something that was cut from the post was that I was going to mention how I almost Posted a faithful port of Eggmanway5 but didn't want to risk being banned, a misfortunate event caused all my addons to disappear including the now permanently lost EMW5 addon, due to the fact the website went defunct sometime prior, the only way to play the mod is via an awful botched port that lacks any of the music and has a broken title screen, as far as I'm aware, I may have killed it by mentioning it in a forum, I probably killed a website by asking about it, going onto the SRB2 Wad Archive just brings up a "page not found" and unlike the site in question, every other archive site just leaves them as is, which is anoying when you find tf2 characters only to realise none of them work.
really, I just don't care, maybe I just add a harsher tone to you idk, I should be more like the person I want to be (which isn't how I was acting)
something that was cut from the post was that I was going to mention how I almost Posted a faithful port of Eggmanway5 but didn't want to risk being banned, a misfortunate event caused all my addons to disappear including the now permanently lost EMW5 addon, due to the fact the website went defunct sometime prior, the only way to play the mod is via an awful botched port that lacks any of the music and has a broken title screen, as far as I'm aware, I may have killed it by mentioning it in a forum, I probably killed a website by asking about it, going onto the SRB2 Wad Archive just brings up a "page not found" and unlike the site in question, every other archive site just leaves them as is, which is anoying when you find tf2 characters only to realise none of them work.
The problem isn't portlegs themselves. You can make a port of anything from 2.1 and below and simply keep it to yourself, then it would be 100% ok because its for personal use. The problem is that the workshop encourages you to steal things that aren't yours and post them for everyone to see with the bare minimum credit, or even no credit at all. You don't want your character to be ported because your planning to do something cool with them/generally don't want your worked touched? Too bad, the workshop is here and it will take your assets and modify them to work how they want them too, if you don't like it then that's too bad. Have fun trying to get it taken down.

There's some examples of this (wanna avoid linking the site) but there's a Legacy Silver that inaccurately displays the character and gives NO credit to the og creator of the sprites as well as a Tails CD mod that goes against wishes from the creator themselves. Workshop members don't have any chill when it comes to stuff like this.
SRB2 Workshop is just the Srb2 Message Board but with portlegs and the SRB2 community won't shut up about it
like just face it, If you post something online, it will eventually get stolen and posted by somebody else claiming "they" made it and there's almost nothing you can do about it sadly and there's other times people just want to port a level pack (and sometimes gives permission) to the current version but still somehow this method of porting is still frowned upon for some reason (well, to me at least). overall, I just saying if you don't like it, stop giving it attention in the first place or just port the damn the thing.
SRB2 Workshop is just the Srb2 Message Board but with portlegs and the SRB2 community won't shut up about it
like just face it, If you post something online, it will eventually get stolen and posted by somebody else claiming "they" made it and there's almost nothing you can do about it sadly and there's other times people just want to port a level pack (and sometimes gives permission) to the current version but still somehow this method of porting is still frowned upon for some reason (well, to me at least). overall, I just saying if you don't like it, stop giving it attention in the first place or just port the damn the thing.
Porting something to a newer version of srb2 is ok as long as you keep it to yourself, if you spread it publicly using the workshop, then it automatically becomes bad no matter what. I don't think mod creators would like to port all of their 2.1 content to 2.2 because if they don't it might be stolen by another website entirely.
I don't think mod creators would like to port all of their 2.1 content to 2.2 because if they don't it might be stolen by another website entirely
It still going to be stolen anyways if they don't port it, that's why said "just port the damn thing" so, it won't stolen in the near future
It still going to be stolen anyways if they don't port it, that's why said "just port the damn thing" so, it won't stolen in the near future
You're saying this like its just a ok thing to do when in reality, its really messed up. You shouldn't have to port your pre 2.2 content just because you don't want people to steal it, just like a mother shouldn't have to hide her treats because her child can't be trusted enough to not take them, this also makes it sound like the people who do these types of things are innocent and the people that make these things and don't port them to 2.2 for one reason or another are the ones at fault. That is far from the truth. People should be able to make things and post them here without having to worry about it being taken, edited and posted someplace else. The people who do these things WITHOUT PREMISSION are wrong, no matter what the reason is. The people who created the original addon have the right to be pissed at their work being taken and modified without them knowing. Simply using "port it yourself." is under minding the real issue with the workshop.
You're saying this like its just a ok thing to do when in reality, its really messed up. You shouldn't have to port your pre 2.2 content just because you don't want people to steal it, just like a mother shouldn't have to hide her treats because her child can't be trusted enough to not take them, this also makes it sound like the people who do these types of things are innocent and the people that make these things and don't port them to 2.2 for one reason or another are the ones at fault. That is far from the truth. People should be able to make things and post them here without having to worry about it being taken, edited and posted someplace else. The people who do these things WITHOUT PREMISSION are wrong, no matter what the reason is. The people who created the original addon have the right to be pissed at their work being taken and modified without them knowing. Simply using "port it yourself." is under minding the real issue with the workshop.
I never said it was a OK thing to do and any people who are innocent (even tho some are) I'm saying people just want to play it without downloading a totally different/pervious version just for one mod, that's why people portleg level packs constantly, so other people play them on the current version
I never said it was a OK thing to do and any people who are innocent (even tho some are) I'm saying people just want to play it without downloading a totally different/pervious version just for one mod, that's why people portleg level packs constantly, so other people play them on the current version
Yeah, and then what do they do? Spread it around and give no or minimal credit to the og creator. Like I said before, if you make a portleg and you don't share it publicly, then that's ok. But once you start spreading that portleg around publicly with out the og creators premission, then it becomes bad (that's what most level pack porters do, and the worst part is that they do a snobby job at it as well.)
Yeah, and then what do they do? Spread it around and give no or minimal credit to the og creator. Like I said before, if you make a portleg and you don't share it publicly, then that's ok. But once you start spreading that portleg around publicly with out the og creators premission, then it becomes bad (that's what most level pack porters do, and the worst part is that they do a snobby job at it as well.)
Well yeah, that's the point of it but still they should always give to the original creator also I barely saw anyone did a snobby job on portlegging a level packs, it's usually one to one to the original but overall, yeah, it's bad but I have shame of downloading a portlegged level pack, if you credit the og creator then I think it's fair game and complaining constantly won't do anything (as you giving it attention in the first place)
Well yeah, that's the point of it but still they should always give to the original creator also I barely saw anyone did a snobby job on portlegging a level packs, it's usually one to one to the original but overall, yeah, it's bad but I have shame of downloading a portlegged level pack, if you credit the og creator then I think it's fair game and complaining constantly won't do anything (as you giving it attention in the first place)
there's alot of examples of people doing snobby jobs on portlegging level packs (the sa1/sa2 map packs as well as the sonic unleashed map pack), and just crediting the og map creator (the same person who you didn't give you permission to do it anyways btw) in the smallest way possible, like "oh *insert name here* made the og mappack" is equally as bad as not giving credit at all, because both are pratically useless. If the person didn't want to download a older version of srb2 to simply play a mappack they enjoy, who thinks they would even care about who made the original. It doesn't matter if what im saying "isn't gonna do anything.", you constantly pretending that this type of stuff is acceptable and isn't a problem is far worse.
there's alot of examples of people doing snobby jobs on portlegging level packs (the sa1/sa2 map packs as well as the sonic unleashed map pack), and just crediting the og map creator (the same person who you didn't give you permission to do it anyways btw) in the smallest way possible, like "oh *insert name here* made the og mappack" is equally as bad as not giving credit at all, because both are pratically useless. If the person didn't want to download a older version of srb2 to simply play a mappack they enjoy, who thinks they would even care about who made the original. It doesn't matter if what im saying "isn't gonna do anything.", you constantly pretending that this type of stuff is acceptable and isn't a problem is far worse.
1. I never saw the SA1 and SA2 maps, so I can't give my opinion about it but the OG Unleashed map pack was never good in the first place (In my opinion) so, I don't know why people port that one.
2. How tf just crediting the OG creator is still bad (well, it depends on what situation it like taking other people's art/videos is bad that's one thing but honestly, I don't see portlegging level packs as this but with characters are a different story especially it's the OC type)
3. Literally you should know about the OG creator when you portlegging in the first place, I pretty sure, they have their name on it in the files or OG mod page or something
4. I literally said "yeah, this is bad but I don't care" I never said it WAS acceptable or isn't a problem, I KNOW it's a problem
1. I never saw the SA1 and SA2 maps, so I can't give my opinion about it but the OG Unleashed map pack was never good in the first place (In my opinion) so, I don't know why people port that one.
2. How tf just crediting the OG creator is still bad (well, it depends on what situation it like taking other people's art/videos is bad that's one thing but honestly, I don't see portlegging level packs as this but with characters are a different story especially it's the OC type)
3. Literally you should know about the OG creator when you portlegging in the first place, I pretty sure, they have their name on it in the files or OG mod page or something
4. I literally said "yeah, this is bad but I don't care" I never said it WAS acceptable or isn't a problem, I KNOW it's a problem
1. the sa1, 2 and unleashed map packs all had characters purely for said map pack. these ports don't have these

2. crediting the og creator is basically nothing because you still just taken their work without permission

3. 9/10 people port stuff without even caring for who made it, exactly why 2 is relevent.

4. that's cool if you don't care about it, the problem is that you're making it seem way better than it really is.

this has been quite of a back and forth, but lets just agree that we both have different takes on the issue at hand.

( also, don't even bother with that mavrik guy beacuse im pretty sure he's just flaming /: )
I have a question; this started with a question and will end with one.
why is this forum still up, everyone posting on this doesn't even know or care about the original reason why this forum was made, and you don't have to search deep to find out the first person to respond (cheese-boi) has a workshop account.
together as a community, we can make a better tomorrow, but if we fight amongst ourselves, there might not be a tomorrow.
but I'm convinced the former is out of the question, a captain goes down with their ship, and I'm not a captain.
What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?
It's like an alternate universe of the MB,
but nobody cares.
Together we stand, divided we fall, so bring a parachute...
Fuck you.

Completely wrong but suuuuure. whatever makes your heart flutter. Meanwhile Portlegs are a thing because 2.0 and 2.1 content doesn't play nice with 2.2's Engine (meaning it's like playing jenga in a earthquake) if it hasn't gotten some kind of offical 2.2 port (seriously when the fuck are we gonna see the sugoi trilogy properly make the jump to 2.2 or is it just "Fuck off. We aren't porting it. Get bent."). Plus Gamebanana has some REALLY low effort mods here and there.

I know.

I want to slap you upside the head from my screen SO GODDAMN BAD because you're being a complete moron.

I mean it was also kind of founded because you guys kicked a russian out of here. But that's my understanding and I'm not exactly one to comprehend full situations before jumping in head first. yer a bunch of racists for doing that shit though.
this whole comment is prob why this dude is banned lmao
Staying back on the topic, i investigated Workshop for 2 and half hours,and i can clearly see what the hell is going on there.

There are countless portlegs there. Most of them are fron 2.0/2.1 era, sone are even from the Final Demo days. To make things worse,there are members of SRB2MB who got banned and are now Admins if the workshop,including Mikhael Blur, Sirexer, and Sonic1983.

In short,its everything bad about SRB2MB in one site.
Staying back on the topic, i investigated Workshop for 2 and half hours,and i can clearly see what the hell is going on there.

There are countless portlegs there. Most of them are fron 2.0/2.1 era, sone are even from the Final Demo days. To make things worse,there are members of SRB2MB who got banned and are now Admins if the workshop,including Mikhael Blur, Sirexer, and Sonic1983.

In short,its everything bad about SRB2MB in one site.
Dam, well that's why we follow the rules here LMFAO

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