What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

this is what i think about the WS
its not that bad if you don't include stolen mods, sprites, scripts or anything.
not to mention harassing them, and then trying to get THEIR community banned is a bit too far.
so can you guys just not try to get them banned, this controversy is going way too far, and there are some people in the WS who just want to see what mods there are, but trying to get them in trouble and possibly suing over some portlegs is crazy.
as much as i despise portlegs (and there are some in there) getting everyone banned is really not the correct way to go.
so just don't harass, then try to get their entire website banned just because of portlegs (which is illegal in the srb2 community yes, but come on don't destroy their entire website)
i don't really care about the WS admins, they're fine. but the playerbase the WS has and the people who just wanna download mods since they're running out of mods and they've got most mods from the MB.
(sorry if i get it wrong that you're harassing them)
and making lies about them to get them even worse trouble is just messed up.
like i said, some of us are in the WS cause they've already got 75% of the MB's mods, 80% of the GB mods, and another 80% of the WAD Archive's.
just ignore the ports (which'll be hard since they have a lot) then you'll see it isn't that bad.
Just stop talking about them and let them live how they want. You are making matter worse with this thread.
Yes doing unofficial port isn't accepted here but the official community shouldn't force people to follow their rule if they don't use official stuff.
I agree that the way the WS handle them is pretty bad but can you just ignore them as the way they do thing is partly so people talk badly about them and you make them win with the existence of this thread.
Just stop talking about them and let them live how they want. You are making matter worse with this thread.
Yes doing unofficial port isn't accepted here but the official community shouldn't force people to follow their rule if they don't use official stuff.
I agree that the way the WS handle them is pretty bad but can you just ignore them as the way they do thing is partly so people talk badly about them and you make them win with the existence of this thread.
fr, i just ignore them, we should just know that there's an alternate MB and just leave them alone.
but are they really part of the community at that point?
That depends on how you define "the community". If you define it as the userbase of this particular forum, then no, they aren't. But I define it as simply meaning the collective fanbase of SRB2, which includes everyone who likes to play and talk about this game. So by my definition, yes, they are.

STJr and the people who run the MB don't own the fanbase, just the official platforms where most of the fanbase happens to congregate. As such, it's not really their place to decide who should or shouldn't be considered a member of the community, any more than it's Sega's place to decide who is or isn't a true Sonic fan. To be clear, I'm by no means arguing that the moderators of this forum shouldn't have the authority to set rules for participation here. This is their forum and they have a right to run it how they'd like. All I'm saying is that being banned from this forum, the Discord, and other official platforms, doesn't equate to being banned from "the community", because the community exists in other places as well, some of which (like Workshop) have different norms.
I do not see why this forum and the Workshop cannot come to more peaceful terms with each other. For instance, there are many over there who might actually be in need of people from the official site educating them on how the rights regarding custom assets are not determined by the GPL (as the copyleft does not apply to what the license considers 'data', and the artist therefore retains the right to determine the terms of use).

The best thing to do is to not be reactive and to speak slowly, as disputes on the internet in general can all too easily get ugly otherwise.
As a small PSA, be mindful when navigating/talking about the SRB2 Workshop/GameBanana to not get screwed over!

1: Check mods first so they don't mess with your game.

Most people flocking to the unofficial platforms are against the mod porting, mod repacking, and/or mod reusability rules. But the places also attract toxic sorts looking to see the world burn, and seriously don't care who is collateral damage in their actions.

They do have content moderators, but those can make mistakes, and it helps to check comments or even the mod's Lua in SLADE.

2: Avoid getting banned for ignorance!

-Linking their sites/addons directly can be cause for a ban.

-Hosting SRB2workshop's "red"-marked mods on the Master Server will get you banned. Host privately/play Single Player to be safe. Don't blindly assume mods that aren't marked red are always safe.

-Don't share media of unauthorized mods on official platforms. If there's a hint of spite(joking or not), that could even lead to a ban.

-Conversing about these communities in-depth is..."fine". But some people feel really strongly one way or the other. Toes will be stepped on, likely nothing productive will happen, and it might lead to needless exile/enemies, so think hard beforehand. The "if you're not with us, you're against us" mindset is always lurking.
Thanks for the tip
I have an accoumt on the ws so shouls i leave it or keep it
P.s: Sorry Sp Moves enjoyer and everyone from before
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