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[Open Assets] The Momentum Mod 1.0

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Community Noise Maker
Sonic Team Junior
Script which preserves the player's momentum on the ground. In addition, some characters have had certain speed restrictions tweaked or removed.

Changes include:
  • Players can now run beyond their normal movespeed if carrying momentum from a spring, slope, etc.
  • Sonic's thok reduced from 60 to 50
  • Jumpthok ability's horizontal thrust scales with momentum
  • Tails' horizontal flight momentum now mirrors that of Sonic 3's (always faster when descending, always slower when rising). Additionally, Tails can now fly by holding the jump button instead of tapping it.
  • Knuckles no longer loses momentum after deactivating glide, and the momentum cut on landing has also been reduced
  • Fang no longer loses momentum when activating or deactivating bounce
  • Metal Sonic's dash mode stacks with carried momentum


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Using this with HMS was... an experience. Of course, it totally fine when your character is... normal, so welcome to releases!


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The file has been updated.

  • Fixed script applying momentum incorrectly at higher and lower scale values.
  • Fixed a script-break when players are spectating.
I kinda wish the Speed Shoes/Power Sneakers/Whatever The Fuck You Guys Prefer To Call It power-up wasn't affected. It's quite broken.
Gee this looks real neat there Cobalt! I'm glad someone finally managed to add momentum and slope acceleration into the game! It feels really great to run down that slope in GFZ2 and not just have Sonic slowly waltz down it!
Kinda funny seeing this since I was talking in Discord about something like this. Really neat to see!
Alright, it took me a couple hours, but I figured out how to fix the power sneakers speed scaling, and possibly a couple other minor quirks. Version 3 is up.

EDIT: Oops, left some debug print() shit in. Fixed, Version 4 uploaded.
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Version 5:

  • Fixed conveyor momentum catapulting players to infinite speeds
  • Added a hard cap to run speed of 2x normalspeed

The latter bullet is a quick fix to ice floors letting players accelerate to infinity. In practice it should not affect most other aspects of gameplay, as the spindash, thok, speedshoes and super are all lower speed values.
Hey, this is pretty neat!

This definitely adds a really nice amount of mobility options and potential for otherwise slower paced characters like Knuckles, Fang and especially Amy. Amy is actually now somewhat viable with this when horizontal springs are brought into the equation.

Defiantly something I'd love to see incorporated into vanilla, or at least something else similar in vein!

Anyways great so far dude, definitely gonna mess around with this a bit more! :p
Does sonic build up momentum while running slower than he does while spinning on a slope?
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I kinda wish for this lua in core release

But on other note... Metal can't reach his high speed on boost mode (blinking orange) only casual top without use of springs.
So kinda buff for Sonic Thok ability for getting its speed on running but kinda nerf for Metal.
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After playing with this for a while, I love nearly everything about it. Amy in particular is such a better character. If this were implemented into the main game, I can imagine some really cool Amy-specific routes involving her using her hammer on sideways springs.

The one thing that I just can't get used to is Sonic maintaining his thok speed. It doesn't feel good to me. It messes with my jumps when I don't expect it, and it feel like cheating when I take advantage of it.
I can only imagine what the logic behind letting upwards slopes affect your speed but not downward slopes was, so this is a great improvement on that front.
This pairs way too nicely with the sprite rotation script.

But yeah, thok is crazy overpowered with momentum conservation.
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Version 6
  • Players will lose some of their additional momentum when airstrafing
  • Thok speed now scales with air speed (45min, ~72max)
  • Metal Sonic's dash mode now correctly stacks with momentum
There's something rather glitchy about this version. Sometimes momentum is preserved even after coming to a complete stop. Compare the two GIFs.


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