FSX said:
Jason the Echidna said:And it also stupidly trys to override existing characters and fails, just as shadow's SOC does which was originally ripped from an old version of SA-SRB2. Come on people, learn.
On a side note, I've found that setting hypermysteriousshadonic123's character select number to anything above 3 fixes the character select screen not adding it when you add the wad via launcher. This goes for ANY character wad, of course. If they have the same number (if all characters are now set to number 4 like Amy), then the first you add will be the first on the list, the second you add will be the second on the list, etc. But if you add one based on Shadow first, which uses the number 5, the extra 4s will skip down below that...
Whatever, just remember to set "character 4" instead of "character 0" in your SOC edits and remove the "SRB2 version" line and all the other "character" groups. Okay?!
When it's done? Remember, I am the only one actively adding content to SRB2JTE. If I add to SA City, that's taking time away from things I could add for bots and vice versa. It comes down to a matter of "What does everyone want more?"Someman said:By the way... When do you think SA City will be Complte JTE?
A larger picture was posted earlier, but it had to be removed. (too large) It had no text anyway, so nobody knew what it meant.JJames19119 said:
But it'll always be on the bottom of the list. I see no reason to ever set any character wad SOC slot to anything other then 4 or 5.Super mystic sonic said:And thats exactly the reason I put SMS' character number to 12. Now it won't be overriden quickly by future characters.
Why?Torgo said:HMS123311 will be changed to have character slot 8 in the next release (when Alexmonk0 gives me the sounds). Also the name of the wad will be HMS123311 now so it is easier to use the Addfile command.
[stereotypedn00b]w00t im getting megakwoted[/stereotypedn00b]JJames19119 said:FSX said:
I'm...sorry...I just couldn't....HELP MYSELF ;_;
sonicfreak94 said:Download link isnt working
EDIT:nvm, its working
EDIT2:I saw a server called SRB2JTE but its running v1.69.9.2 I redownloaded it and mine keeps running v1.69, Why does it keep doing that