This is a good idea and I hope one of our intrepid go-getters gives this a try. It would be pretty cool to have an officially sanctioned map editor that's not an unsupported dead-end branch of an old program for once.I would like to see a plugin for vanilla DB2 to make z-offsets work and whatnot.
... I have no clue. I just use zooming in and out to move around...Sorry for the bump but I had recently switched from SRB2 Doom Builder to Doom Builder 2 and I can't help to ask, where is Move Mode?
There is no move mode, but you can move around with the arrow keys.
ok I'm getting that stopped working bug again, and the new doombuilder 2 is missing the gzdoombuilder plugin. (it doesn't use it)
I know I had this program working before, I just don't remember what I did to get it working. And yes, I do have the dependancies.
my problem is it says "Doom builder has stopped working" and doesn't even let me configure it.