• Do not use Works in Progress as a way of avoiding the releases system! Works in Progress can be used for sharing early betas and for getting suggestions for improvement. Releases of finished content are not allowed in this forum! If you would like to submit a finished addon, click here for instructions on how to do so.

SonicHeroX45's Development Thread

Something relatively serious, so I'm not posting this on April Fool's (along with what was supposed to be a sort of "complementary level pack") like I originally planned to.

I've stated since the beginning of this project that I would never force a deadline for anything related to the project. However, I'm starting to see why deadlines exist: to keep things moving. Without a deadline, progress is minimal at best. I want that to change. This project is still a light-hearted adventure at its core, with minor, more serious story bits to keep players on the edge of their seats. That is what I want to achieve. I started this project back in late 2022, and have come across rough patch after rough patch without really going anywhere. I mean, have you seen the amount of times I've restarted this from the beginning since I felt it wasn't "good enough"? Haha, how silly of me. Mistakes exist to improve oneself, but if you keep trying to reset everything for perfection... It's as if nothing ever happened at all. No more resets, only revisions to what's already there. Talk again soon.
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The first of these deadlines is April 14th, two weeks from now. Time to get to work. The current objective is to finish Episode 1, anything else is a bonus. Also, Happy Easter!
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Here's a drawing of Lucas because I was feeling a little silly! Quite a bit has changed about his look, but his purrsonality is still intact! :3
Now with minor visual edits, and
s h a d i n g!

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No apologies.

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Mid-week rant, yippee!

The re-introduction of a deadline has certainly encouraged more consistent work on Heroes and Saviors. Unfortunately for me though, schoolwork is kicking back up since finals are next month. Hoo boy. As that old (not sure how old it really is) saying goes: "Time flies when you're having fun". Anyways, back to the project, since that's the point of this here thread. Here's a quick update on what I'm currently working on, as well as what I have left that can realistically be done before the deadline on the 14th:
  • All that remains for Episode One are 3 Levels: A DOOM Style stage, a Boss (still debating on what I want it to be), and the Secret Stage. This includes all related emblems (both In-Map and Record Attack) and cutscenes.
  • Finishing up the "complementary level pack" that I was originally gonna release as a glorified April Fool's Joke. I'll elaborate more on that now.
This will be the first of those "special episodes", in a category I'm calling "Expositions", which is a fancy-ish word for extra story. These aren't going to contain too many levels, they'll usually be quite small too, and I'm not kidding. I mean you can complete the one I'm finishing up right now in about 3-5 minutes if you know where to go and what to do. The idea in these is atmosphere rather than just getting from Point A to Point B (or locating those colored buttons in the DOOM Style stages). Being called "Expositions", the main thing you're going to noticed are more cutscenes that are longer. I know walls of text on a picture isn't exactly good storytelling or content, but I'm doing my best, okay? Something I really want to do (but isn't in a realistic scope at the moment) is do some sort of animated cutscenes so it's more appealing to view. Who knows how long that's gonna take though?

That's all I got for now, so I'll post if something else comes to mind lol. See you later!
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Before I get too ahead of myself (and therefore make the process more tedious than it could be), how do you want the "complete mod" released? Here are several options of the top of my head, but I'll consider any other options you guys might have:
- Release the whole thing as one single file (all stages, music, extra files, etc.) for convenience.
- Release each Episode as it's own file, leaving Episode One and the Multiplayer in the base game.
- Split the complementary stuff like multiplayer, music, and extra files into their own downloads.
As of right now, I have the Main Game and Exposition (along with their music and extra files) as the only files. Whatever is decided should be the format for future releases unless otherwise noted.
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Someone in another version of this thread brought up an interesting point, and I feel I should put my response here too since this is relatively important to who I am when it comes to development. The suggestion was to release the entire project at once, all episodes, multiplayer, and extra content intact. Here is my response:

That's not what I initially meant, but it does bring up a rather important point.

People expect regular updates and content out of just about anything in this day and age (yet also expect a work to be complete and without flaws on release, how funny). Being unable to provide this makes those who demand it lose interest rather quickly, and before long, the work fades into obscurity. I really did want to make this an episodic release from the start to try to remedy this with the illusion of regular content (which some may see as a poor decision, and I don't disagree at all) over time, and now I'm worried I may have to change gears yet again.

I'll have to think about this more, but as it stands right now, I'll say this: I know I can't please everyone, and there will always be opposition, but I'll continue moving on at my own pace and doing what I want. I'm persistent and stubborn, to both good ends and bad. I don't advise trying to stop me.
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I have thought about the suggestion from earlier. It's certainly for the better that I take my time with this. No good can come from a rushed project! As Miyamoto once said (it went something like this anyways), "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." I'll take however long I need to for this project to make it as good as it can be! Seeing how patient you all seem to be (can't tell for sure since people rarely talk here lol), I'm sure you won't mind. That's my final outlook on all this, I'll be seeing you later! :3
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I've been thinking about Lucas for a while (if it wasn't apparent with all the art I've posted of him).

I want to make him work as a character, but I haven't settled on how I want him to play in the slightest. Sure, I've got his design and lore (if you want to call it that) nailed down, but I don't think that's why people look for characters. They want fun and interesting playstyles, something in-between simple and complex. I haven't figured him out yet in that regard. I also have no real experience in things like custom abilities and gimmicks, since I've avoided any sort of scripting (especially LUA) since the conceptualization of this project back in August of 2022. Spriting is going to be quite a pain too.

Well! Better late than never, and there's no time like the present. That's all I wanted to say, see ya!
I've been thinking about moving everything I have been working on into a single addon. This includes Lucas the Leopard, Heroes and Saviors, and that Exposition Level Pack (which I intended to merge with Heroes and Saviors but never actually did). They were all gonna have overlapping stuff anyways, so might as well merge it all for convenience. That means this thread is going to become my general Development Thread (not that it wasn't already, haha) from here on. So... I'm gonna take care of that right now. See you later!
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I regret to inform you that Lucas is actually a Tiger, and not a Leopard. My sincerest apologies. That is all.
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The problem: There are 3 days left for the OLDC, and I haven't submitted anything since I got addicted to Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers.
The solution(s): "Darn, we're not gonna make it! Time to speed up!" OR new build?
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We're gonna make it! Halfway done with Flowing Forest Act 1, now I gotta expand the environment for the next half. Act 2 will be the Boss in standard NiGHTS fashion.

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NiGHTS Mode is really cool, but I don't think anyone's bothered to make a campaign yet. Where am I going with this? Flowing Forest is one of the first stages! Stay tuned, I guess.
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The beginning of the Dream Gate's construction! This is where you'll be heading to the "dreams", which serve as the campaign's levels and bosses!


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Mmm, centerpiece.

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Cinematic ascent. That's probably gonna be how you get to the last stage.


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I made a few changes without documentation. ;)

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First look at Midnight Meadow, the first stage of Sonic Robo Blast into Dreams!


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Midnight Meadow is halfway done! The gameplay gif is too large to upload here lol, but Mares One and Two are complete along with some minor adjustments to the environment.
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It's beautiful. Midnight Meadow is complete!


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There's the boss! One must wonder though, how does this place seeming full of life get like... this?


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Surprise! The First Dream Demo is here for you to experience the first level of Sonic into Dreams!


  • SP_SonicintoDreams_FirstDreamDemo.pk3
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Like clockwork, here's the Second Dream Demo with the second level, Flowing Forest, as well as general improvements overall!



Here's what's new (as well as in the package as is now since I didn't have a changelog last time):
- 5 Maps, including a hub, 2 Levels, and 2 Bosses!
- 10 Emblems spread across the stages (2 in-map for each level, 2 NiGHTS Mode Emblems for each level, and a Time Emblem in Record Attack for each boss)!
- The unlockable "Midnight Meadow Boss" (which was supposed to be used to open up the warp to the boss in the hub, but didn't work) has been removed and in its place you will now unlock a Sound Test!
- You will now unlock both NiGHTS Mode and Record Attack after beating Midnight Meadow's Boss so you can more conveniently go for those particular emblems!
- In this "Demo Stage", all maps will be available in the hub from the start. This will change later on to a more sophisticated progression system, so keep that in mind!

Third Dream/Side A Demo is next, but it will take more time than these last two. Stay tuned!
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Fix is hot and ready!

Flowing Forest Zone Act 1:
- Added missing Things to Mare 4.
- Increased heights of all Things on Mare 1.

Flowing Forest Zone Act 2:
- Fixed a stray linedef not marked as impassable that the Egg Slimer could escape the arena during Phase 2 through resulting in a softlock until you ran the timer out or reset the map.

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I'm confident that that's all that needed to be fixed, so I'll begin work on the Third Dream/Side A Demo. I want to ask y'all something though: As the plan is right now (not implemented just yet), the player can choose to complete either Side A (Dreams One through Three) or Side B (Dreams Four through Six) before being able to access the "final" Seventh Dream. Do you guys like the choice between two sides of levels or do you want to have to do all six Dreams before being able to access the Seventh Dream? Let me know!
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Oooooo, sneeky peeky... Toxic Tours is Under Construction!



  • SP_SonicintoDreams_SecondDreamDemo.pk3
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I'd personally do prefer the six Dreams to be completed first, since I feel like that's a better way to slightly increase the difficulty from Dream to Dream and feel more of a comprehensive style of progession.

I mean, you'd never see a Mega Man title that has you beat only 4 Robot Masters to unlock the final boss of the game. That'd be a very stupid way of progressing, right?
I'd personally do prefer the six Dreams to be completed first, since I feel like that's a better way to slightly increase the difficulty from Dream to Dream and feel more of a comprehensive style of progession.

I mean, you'd never see a Mega Man title that has you beat only 4 Robot Masters to unlock the final boss of the game. That'd be a very stupid way of progressing, right?
Oh ho! There's one thing I purposefully left out of that initial post, but it may be spoilers to some! Proceed with caution:
Now, the main reason I was initially considering the choice between two paths of three levels before reaching the final level is of course: It's just like that in NiGHTS into Dreams... as well as NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams! However, in NiGHTS into Dreams... specifically, there was an 8th stage! It was cut quite late into development, which resulted in both Claris and Elliot (the "two sides") sharing the final stage when they were originally going to have seperate finales. Here's my personal take on it though: what if the 8th stage was something you unlocked after completing BOTH sides? I'll leave it at that. :3
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Oh ho! There's one thing I purposefully left out of that initial post, but it may be spoilers to some! Proceed with caution:
Now, the main reason I was initially considering the choice between two paths of three levels before reaching the final level is of course: It's just like that in NiGHTS into Dreams... as well as NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams! However, in NiGHTS into Dreams... specifically, there was an 8th stage! It was cut quite late into development, which resulted in both Claris and Elliot (the "two sides") sharing the final stage when they were originally going to have seperate finales. Here's my personal take on it though: what if the 8th stage was something you unlocked after completing BOTH sides?!? I'll leave it at that. :3
Hmm, that could work, too. I'll leave my opinion on the question as either my suggestion OR your detailed concept of the 8th Stage. I'm still gonna download the final product, so it's really up to you to decide.
Oooo! This looks really nice! The concept of having special stages act like actual levels is very exciting and interesting! I like where you're going with this! The hub world looks really cool. Maybe you could make the top like a mirror image of the bottom to make it look more surreal(minus adding the super sonic start point)? I honestly don't know if that's exactly your idea of how this is meant to look, but it would look pretty cool if possible. Anyway, THIS LOOKS GREAT! Keep going!

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