Ring Racers Suggestions

possibility to disable prison egg in grand prix? at first it seemed fun, but then I realized that it was just distracting, and the levels only became more difficult. I want to play a racing game, not some mini games that I can't avoid
possibility to disable prison egg in grand prix? at first it seemed fun, but then I realized that it was just distracting, and the levels only became more difficult. I want to play a racing game, not some mini games that I can't avoid
Pause > Give Up

This instantly skips the Egg Prisons and Special Stages. You wont get any continues for prisons, and you can't get S Rank without getting the emerald, but at least you'll move on.

But speaking of annoying Single Player things, why can't I save replays when I lose? Some of the biggest nonsense happens when I don't make it, I wanna know what the heck happened that caused me to rank out!
Pause > Give Up

This instantly skips the Egg Prisons and Special Stages. You wont get any continues for prisons, and you can't get S Rank without getting the emerald, but at least you'll move on.

But speaking of annoying Single Player things, why can't I save replays when I lose? Some of the biggest nonsense happens when I don't make it, I wanna know what the heck happened that caused me to rank out!
oh, that's good, but it's still dumb. I'm playing the noire version of DRRR and in the options I can turn off lives so I don't get penalized for losing them
I think that bar from SRB2K that shows how much memory left you have for add-ons should come back. A weird thing I keep noticing is that I'll load in add-ons but then they just don't show up, yet I'm not even warned when this happens.

On a more indulgent note, I think a genuine single player battle mode (akin to later Mario Kart entries) could be neat but you'd have to program bots specifically for battle mode as a result and battle isn't that popular a mode to begin with, so I can see why it'd likely not happen.
The thing about Battle Bots (heh) is that Bots go by waypoints in Races, and don't need to worry about too many compelx actions. They don't even drift. As for Battle mode, there's a lot of mechanics that are used to counterplay eachother, and the one place that could teach you these techniques that the Bonus stages do not... is a well-kept secret area with a taste for something later. And even that isn't the best example of everything Battle mode offers. Making a proper Battle Bot would be more difficult than a race bot, and if there's plans for that later, they had to be shelved wont come into fruition for quite some time.

But I don't think battle bots exist wont exist because battle isn't popular, but rather, battle isn't more popular because there's a lack of bots to practice on. Battle will always be secondary to Racing, since this is a racing game after all, but I'm sure more people will be willing to try it when bots finally exist, and I'm sure KKD knows that too. I'm sure battle bots will happen eventually... but I would not be surprised if it took a few years.
Not directly for Ring Racers, but more so for HVR. *Please* add a option to just make it play in match race/freeplay mode with the choice of bots or not, if at all possible. It's very annoying when I can only restart my map while testing so many times before the choice is no longer there and I have to exit and go to the menu anyways to go to Match Race so I can fool around and experiment to find bugs or the like. That and I feel like the finish line linedef effect is... extremely finicky to use, kinda wish it was more tolerant to more use-cases even something as silly as it being longer.(Unless I'm just being unlucky here...)
This may sound dumb, but how about battle mode with cpus? I know most people don’t play battle mode like that, but I think the option would still be nice. Mario Kart and other kart racers do it, so why not Ring Racers as well?
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Personally I'd really like a random color and follower option just for when I want to fully commit to the ironman playstyle as Heavy Magician, or just when I want to see more of the followers but not dive into all the options available to see what I might like. As is I'm mostly just keeping to the ones I already like and not really going out of my way much to see how they look/sound in-game.

I think the developers have already considered and rejected or accepted the suggestions they needed.

Anyway, here's (almost) the whole list:
the following suggestion were received negatively:
the following suggestion is closed, but I think it still has a place:
Man it’s a shame they won’t let you choose your own cpu racers
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Since Astro made his video on the Garden Top being overpowered it made it really fun to use in general having that extra boost upon spindashing by letting go of drift after.

There's no way nothing's happening to that, but it's funny enough for me to want the item to be given to places much further behind and pop you off after 3rd or 4th place or something rather than just simply fixing it, since otherwise I really don't care much for the item, simply just being only slightly faster than normal and sporting a new control scheme that doesn't do that much to help speed up.
I'm just gonna paraphrase the suggestion I made on github since it was why i originally joined the discord server before I stuck around and chatted with people:

If a CD falls out of bounds due to a prison egg positioned above a pit or a similar hazard, the CD should respawn at the nearest available in-bounds area, cause so many times, a CD has been lost in a pit cause I hit an airborne prison egg that contains a CD and it falls out of bounds.

There should be a quality of life feature where it respawns the CD somewhere in-bounds if it happens. Like how in Pikmin 4, if a treasure falls out of bounds, it respawns on a nearby ground. Either that, or have the CD launch towards nearby ground when it first appears from an airborne egg prison. (Also, make them collectable with the Gachaboms too, just in case one falls into an area that's too high for your kart to reach normally)