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    • FrostBrush updated FrostMaps (Ice Paradise Act 2 added!) with a new update entry: v3.1 HOTFIX Read the rest of this update entry...
    • mania123 reacted to Nex's post in the thread Ring Racers Suggestions with Cool! Cool!.
      if the length of a track gets changed none of the replays and TA times get updated and they all break this has happened to me with an...
    • mania123 reacted to Joschurale's resource Jysh Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      A continuation of Joschurale's Funky Bunch of Dudes with a less stupidly long name. • RACERS • CHUCK E. CHEESE DONKEY KONG...
    • mania123 replied to the thread Ring Racers Suggestions.
      What do you mean?
    • mania123 reacted to Whoexer9's post in the thread About the character limit... with Cool! Cool!.
      It's Version 2.4 we're talking about, I'm not sure about that whole thing. But it might be official, who knows?
    • mania123 replied to the thread About the character limit....
      Wait, is that true?
    • mania123 reacted to Whoexer9's post in the thread About the character limit... with Cool! Cool!.
      After seeing that and this post, it more like sounded that Kart Krew was listening to me. Bringing up the character/skin limit to like...
    • mania123 replied to the thread bepiPack.
      Your individual character downloads file seems to be missing.
    • mania123 reacted to MetalSonicDash's post in the thread MSD Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      ^ This is the gist of it basically
    • mania123 reacted to PhilDelaPaz's resource Smash Daisaku From Gunstar Heroes with Cool! Cool!.
      The Subordinate Of Grey's Empire And An M. Bison Knock-Off Is Ready To Rule Over The Tracks! - SMASH DAISAKU - Smash Daisaku Is A...
    • mania123 replied to the thread MSD Pack.
      It won't let me view the latest update notes.
    • mania123 reacted to keetaro's post in the thread Combi-Rings Lock-On Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      any chance that the characters will be available individually at some point?
    • mania123 reacted to FrivolousAqua's update for resource Aqua's Dice Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      Update v4a of Aqua's Dice Pack is here. I knew I missed something important. Changes Fixed a regression in Mimic's code that affected...
    • mania123 reacted to FrivolousAqua's update for resource Aqua's Dice Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      Update v4 of Aqua's Dice Pack is here. This update does not contain everything I wanted to do for this update, but I've held onto it for...
    • mania123 replied to the thread Ring Racers Suggestions.
      I don't remember if I or someone else here has already said this, but I hope that we could play Battle Mode with CPU opponents.
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